I've seen this in game and I'm seeing it here and quite frankly... it BAFFLES me...
Why is it, that there are SO many SMALL guilds that are trying to get larger guild to merge UNDER them?
I see guilds with like 5 people, trying to get guilds with 20+ people to join THEM. If you've only got 5 people... why not join the larger guild?
Here's the thing. The arguement I always hear is "but these guys are my friends, and we are a tight group". SO? Why can't your "tight group" join a larger guild and continue to be tight? Just because you don't know many people in the larger guild doesn't mean you WON'T become friends with some of them.
Seriously guys... try it. No need to have these little 10 people or less guild running around. You never know what kinds of people you could meet....
I have a question...
emil knight