Shocking Gladius of Swordsmanship
Lightning dmg 15-22 (req. 8)
dmg +17% while hp >50%
swordsmanship +1 (chance 19%)
Cruel Spatha
slashing dmg 15-22 (req 13.)
dmg + 14% when in stance
lengthens deep wound duration
Shocking Gladius of fortitude
lightning dmg 15-21 ( req. 11)
dmg + 13% whike enchanted
+Hp 26
Ebon Flamberge of swordmanship
earth dmg 15-22 (req. 9 )
dmg + 11% while enchanted
swordmanship +1 (chance 14%)
Bids on all swords start at 2.5k
IGN: Kratos Angeltear, Grand Disciple Ark
Gold and Purple Swords e.g. (Flamberge,Gladius, etc)
Kratos Angeltear
2.5k for first 1
ign- danimal man
ign- danimal man