Selling gold flamberg


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005



*for moderators I closed my last thread, sorry for making two*

Didn't feel like taking a picture and going through the hassle, BUT

1. Flamberg
15-22 (req. 10)
13% damage in stance
+5 armor (overall; not physical or elemental)

2. War Hammer
19-35 (req. 8)
13% while HP>50%
+5 armor (overall)
Energy gain +1/regen -1 (zealous)

3. Round Shield
16 defense (req. 10 tactics)
quick recovery from poison

4. War Hammer (2)
17-32 (req. 10)
Double Adrenaline on hit (8% chance)
Armor +5 (overall)

1. Starting: SOLD
2. Starting: SOLD
3. Starting: c/o 1K Sciros Darkblade (free to first buyer if no bids) - SOLD, sciros ill meet you online.
4. Starting: SOLD sorry got an offer I couldn't refuse.

Good luck!

Whatevs... post here or PM me in game to negotiate a price if anyone wants them.

Sciros Darkblade

Sciros Darkblade

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Archons Ascendant [Arch] - Leader


1k for the Quick Recover from Poison



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


1k on #4