Hi all, this is a small auction last for 24 hrs, plz kindly leave your offer and IGN if you are interested in these weapons , happy bidding~
MY IGN is Wilheim Tang / Seraph Wilheim and minium bid for the #2 gold max bows is 8K, b/o is 15K, thx~~
![Big Grin](../Img/biggrin.gif)
~~i will sell them all if i meet resonable offer~~not high but be reasonable~
#1 Gold Max Shocking Longbow of Warding (req 8), dmg+16% hp<50, armor +7 vs elemental attacks.
#2 Gold Max Ebon Short Bow of Fortitude (req 9), dmg+14% (enchanted), hp+27
#3 Gold Shocking Longbow of Shelter (req11),lighting dmg 14-27, dmg+13% hp>50, armor +6 vs Physical attacks.
#4 Purple Defensive accurse staff, dmg 11-22,(req12 curse), improves skills recharge, armor +7
#5 Blue MAX Shocking Mursaat Hammer (req10), armor+4 vs elemental attacks
Enjoy everyone~~