WTS Gold/Purple weapons, shields, UnID's and upgrades
M. Jaden
Some items I have for sale... most are max damage, but the non max have some really nice mods to salvage out. Leave your ign with bid. If you need to contact me send me a message through forums thanks
Shields/UnID Items
Zealous Bow String, -1 regen +1 gain
Ebon Bow String
Fiery Bow String
Poisoners Bow String
Sundering Bow String, 10% armor penatration 6% chance
Sundering Bow String, 10% armor penatration 7% chance
Bow Grip of Defense, +4 armor
Bow Grip of Fortitude, +20 hp
Poisoner Axe Haft
Fiery Axe Haft
Shocking Axe Haft
Axe Grip of Axe Mastery, +1 axe mastery 13% chance
Axe Grip of Enchanting, enchantments last 14% longer
Axe Grip of Defense, +4 armor
Axe Grip of Fortitude, +20 health
Fiery Sword Hilt
Icy Sword Hilt
Crippling Sword Hilt
Sword Pommel of Fortitude, +23 hp
Sword Pommel of Enchanting, 17% enchant
Sword Pommel of Defense, +4 armor
Cruel Hammer Haft, lengthens deep wound
Zealous Hammer Haft, -1 +1 energy
Icy Hammer Haft
Hammer Grip of Mastery, +1 hammer mastery 18% chance
Hammer Grip of Defense, +4 armor
Current Offers
#9 - 5k Celestia Valkyria
#3 - 2k Nigredo Linculte
#10 - 3k Prince Arakantos
#11 - 20k Pyotr Tchaikovsky
#15 - 5k Jadin Shadowdancer
#18 - 3k man of no fear
#21 - Sold ingame sorry to bidders, couldn't resist offer
#32 - Sold to Celestia
#33 - Sold to Celestia
Unless someone bids against mods, for the most part I'll just be selling them on the first bids I see
Shields/UnID Items
Zealous Bow String, -1 regen +1 gain
Ebon Bow String
Fiery Bow String
Poisoners Bow String
Sundering Bow String, 10% armor penatration 6% chance
Sundering Bow String, 10% armor penatration 7% chance
Bow Grip of Defense, +4 armor
Bow Grip of Fortitude, +20 hp
Poisoner Axe Haft
Fiery Axe Haft
Shocking Axe Haft
Axe Grip of Axe Mastery, +1 axe mastery 13% chance
Axe Grip of Enchanting, enchantments last 14% longer
Axe Grip of Defense, +4 armor
Axe Grip of Fortitude, +20 health
Fiery Sword Hilt
Icy Sword Hilt
Crippling Sword Hilt
Sword Pommel of Fortitude, +23 hp
Sword Pommel of Enchanting, 17% enchant
Sword Pommel of Defense, +4 armor
Cruel Hammer Haft, lengthens deep wound
Zealous Hammer Haft, -1 +1 energy
Icy Hammer Haft
Hammer Grip of Mastery, +1 hammer mastery 18% chance
Hammer Grip of Defense, +4 armor
Current Offers
#9 - 5k Celestia Valkyria
#3 - 2k Nigredo Linculte
#10 - 3k Prince Arakantos
#11 - 20k Pyotr Tchaikovsky
#15 - 5k Jadin Shadowdancer
#18 - 3k man of no fear
#21 - Sold ingame sorry to bidders, couldn't resist offer
#32 - Sold to Celestia
#33 - Sold to Celestia
Unless someone bids against mods, for the most part I'll just be selling them on the first bids I see
Icy Sword Hilt - 1k
#9 - 5k
#32 - 20k
#33 - 15k
IGN - Celestia Valkyria
#9 - 5k
#32 - 20k
#33 - 15k
IGN - Celestia Valkyria
Lord Sasuke
500 for posion string
1k for 1-/7 sundering
1k for 1-/7 sundering
Black Momba
2k for # 21
ign.... Black Momba I
ign.... Black Momba I
Young Pharaoh
3k #10 (Prince Arakantos)
500g on Sword Pommel of Fortitude - IGN Jet Wardoc
Raising my bids on:
#32 to 30k
#33 to 25k
#32 to 30k
#33 to 25k
secret fire
800g on pommel of fort ign Reborn Titan.
M. Jaden
Bump, I'll start selling mods/weapons to good bids I see
20k on #11 and 500g on the Icy Sword Hilt and Fiery Bow String.
900g on the Fortitude Pommel - IGN Jet Wardoc
2k Sword Pommel of Enchanting
Black Momba
5k for # 21.
M. Jaden
Last bump, I'll be selling items to bids I see fit, rest will be sold ingame
3k for #13, 1k for #17
IGN Huntress Helena
IGN Huntress Helena
knight of the UW
3.5k on the sword pommel of enchanting
<<< Ign
<<< Ign
1k #18
IGN: Lord Zephithaas
IGN: Lord Zephithaas
Thank you for the very professionally-handled purchase. I highly recommend trading with Jade in the future...
5k on #15
33# 27k