Instead of spamming the chat with "levelwhatever LFG!" Why not use something that no online game should be without? The ability to search for players who are LFG (or not LFG) and also by level.
Unless we REALLY want to keep spamming the chat window with LFG's and spending a half hour trying to find a group who might last one quest.
Petition To Include A Player-Search For Grouping
I think that could be a very useful feature. Maybe a filter tool to show only players of certain classes when you hold ctrl. The down side is that it doesn't allow you to differentiate between actual roles, so you might end up with exactly the same problem even with a filter.
While we're on the topic of finding players, there has GOT to be a better way to find someone than squinting at the turbulent soup of names presented to you when you hold that ctrl key. Typing in a name for an invite is a good start but not good enough if you want to check someone's level and profession before inviting them. Would it be so hard to have a player highlighted onscreen when you click their name in a chat window for instance?
While we're on the topic of finding players, there has GOT to be a better way to find someone than squinting at the turbulent soup of names presented to you when you hold that ctrl key. Typing in a name for an invite is a good start but not good enough if you want to check someone's level and profession before inviting them. Would it be so hard to have a player highlighted onscreen when you click their name in a chat window for instance?
yes there is huge need on this, espacially important in the Tomb PUG