New Class Idea (Alchemist)
meep meep
Life Attunement - Primary
Bronze Attunement
Iron Attunement
Plant Attunement
Life Attunement:
Each point in life attunement gives you +10 life.
Vocal Attunement - Elite Enchantment, For 30 seconds all of target allies spell range and shout range is increased by 10%-50%
Cost: 15
Recharge: 10
Glyph of shout - Glyph, The next spell or shout you casts range is increased by 10-50%
Cost: 10
Recharge: 15
Call of exhuastion - Global Shout, this shout has the range of a spirit ward, it cannot stack, it removes 10 maximum energy from every player, it wears off after 30 seconds.
Cost: 25
Recharge: 45
Favor of harmony - Hex Spell, For 3-14 seconds whenever the target enemy casts a spell they lose 1-3 energy and you gain 5-15 life.
Cost: 15
Recharge: 30
Bronze Attunement:
Bronze Cast - Hex spell, For 5-20 seconds target enemy gains +20 armor against all types of damage except for lightning and his/her attack speed is reduced by 40%
Cost: 5
Recharge: 6
Bronze Gauntlets - Elite Spell, For 5-10 seconds you have a 10%-38% chance to knockdown in melee.
Cost: 15
Recharge: 15
Bronze Plating - Enchantment Spell, For 5-15 seconds target ally gains +30 armor against all types of damage except for lightning.
Cost: 10
Recharge: 25
Bronze Dust - Hex Spell, For 10-20 seconds target enemies shout and spell range is decreased by 10-50%
Cost: 25
Recharge: 45
Summon Bronze - Spell, Summons bronze spikes from the ground that do 30-75 damage to all enemies within the target area and all enemies within target area begin to bleed for 5-15 seconds.
Cost: 15
Recharge: 10
Iron Attunement:
Blades of iron - Enchantment Spell, Lose all enchantments, for 60 seconds you do an additional 1-14 piercing damage in melee.
Cost: 10
Recharge: 60
Iron Chimes - Global Enchantment, This spell has the range of a spirit ward, For 10-40 seconds all signet rings and elite skills cost an additional five energy.
Cost: 15
Recharge: 60
Iron Vengeance - Global Enchantment, This spell has the range of a spirit ward, For 15-50 seconds every time any player on the field attacks they lose 10 health.
Cost: 15
Recharge: 60
Nature Attunement:
Conjure Thorns - Enchantment Spell, For 60 seconds every time you attack target enemy begins to bleed for 3-10 seconds.
Cost: 10
Recharge: 60
Thirst of the earth - Summons Creature, For 45 seconds Summon a level 1-5 tree that stops any spirit from being laid on the field within the range of a spirit. Whenever a spirit would be laid down this tree gains an additional +80 life and +20 armor.
Cost: 5
Recharge: 60
Ally of the earth - Enchantment spell, For 5-15 seconds every time an enemy is near target ally that enemy is slowed down by 30% and suffers a health degeneration of 1.
Cost: 10
Recharge: 25
Life Attunement - Primary
Bronze Attunement
Iron Attunement
Plant Attunement
Life Attunement:
Each point in life attunement gives you +10 life.
Vocal Attunement - Elite Enchantment, For 30 seconds all of target allies spell range and shout range is increased by 10%-50%
Cost: 15
Recharge: 10
Glyph of shout - Glyph, The next spell or shout you casts range is increased by 10-50%
Cost: 10
Recharge: 15
Call of exhuastion - Global Shout, this shout has the range of a spirit ward, it cannot stack, it removes 10 maximum energy from every player, it wears off after 30 seconds.
Cost: 25
Recharge: 45
Favor of harmony - Hex Spell, For 3-14 seconds whenever the target enemy casts a spell they lose 1-3 energy and you gain 5-15 life.
Cost: 15
Recharge: 30
Bronze Attunement:
Bronze Cast - Hex spell, For 5-20 seconds target enemy gains +20 armor against all types of damage except for lightning and his/her attack speed is reduced by 40%
Cost: 5
Recharge: 6
Bronze Gauntlets - Elite Spell, For 5-10 seconds you have a 10%-38% chance to knockdown in melee.
Cost: 15
Recharge: 15
Bronze Plating - Enchantment Spell, For 5-15 seconds target ally gains +30 armor against all types of damage except for lightning.
Cost: 10
Recharge: 25
Bronze Dust - Hex Spell, For 10-20 seconds target enemies shout and spell range is decreased by 10-50%
Cost: 25
Recharge: 45
Summon Bronze - Spell, Summons bronze spikes from the ground that do 30-75 damage to all enemies within the target area and all enemies within target area begin to bleed for 5-15 seconds.
Cost: 15
Recharge: 10
Iron Attunement:
Blades of iron - Enchantment Spell, Lose all enchantments, for 60 seconds you do an additional 1-14 piercing damage in melee.
Cost: 10
Recharge: 60
Iron Chimes - Global Enchantment, This spell has the range of a spirit ward, For 10-40 seconds all signet rings and elite skills cost an additional five energy.
Cost: 15
Recharge: 60
Iron Vengeance - Global Enchantment, This spell has the range of a spirit ward, For 15-50 seconds every time any player on the field attacks they lose 10 health.
Cost: 15
Recharge: 60
Nature Attunement:
Conjure Thorns - Enchantment Spell, For 60 seconds every time you attack target enemy begins to bleed for 3-10 seconds.
Cost: 10
Recharge: 60
Thirst of the earth - Summons Creature, For 45 seconds Summon a level 1-5 tree that stops any spirit from being laid on the field within the range of a spirit. Whenever a spirit would be laid down this tree gains an additional +80 life and +20 armor.
Cost: 5
Recharge: 60
Ally of the earth - Enchantment spell, For 5-15 seconds every time an enemy is near target ally that enemy is slowed down by 30% and suffers a health degeneration of 1.
Cost: 10
Recharge: 25
Normally I'm real leary of new class ideas but this one I really like. What about changing nature attunement though to Quicksilver Attunement with speed and energy exhaustion / poison related spells.
Oh and you can't have an Alchemist class without an Elixir of Life elite which protects from or reduces all degens for a period of time...
Anyway nice idea.
Oh and you can't have an Alchemist class without an Elixir of Life elite which protects from or reduces all degens for a period of time...
Anyway nice idea.
I had an Idea for an Alchemist, it was a little diffrent though... Maybe I'll write it up later?...
I think a better name for your guy would be a Metallurgist, since he doesn't seem to mess with Chemicals.
I think a better name for your guy would be a Metallurgist, since he doesn't seem to mess with Chemicals.
Very nice idea
he is something like a buffer-debuffer
btw I love this global enchantments

btw I love this global enchantments

i see this spell in pvp groups for some reason :P
Thirst of the earth - Summons Creature, For 45 seconds Summon a level 1-5 tree that stops any spirit from being laid on the field within the range of a spirit. Whenever a spirit would be laid down this tree gains an additional +80 life and +20 armor.
Cost: 5
Recharge: 60
Thirst of the earth - Summons Creature, For 45 seconds Summon a level 1-5 tree that stops any spirit from being laid on the field within the range of a spirit. Whenever a spirit would be laid down this tree gains an additional +80 life and +20 armor.
Cost: 5
Recharge: 60
Lirael Abhorsen
thats spiffy nifty, i kinda like this idea.
emil knight
Wow... for once I'm speechless. Finally a well thought out new class. Good job Meep Meep. Lets see a few more skills if you've got 'em.
Wow... for once I'm speechless. Finally a well thought out new class. Good job Meep Meep. Lets see a few more skills if you've got 'em.
See, this is the sort of class I'd like to see. An Alchemist is a well-known fantasy archetype, just like the Warrior, the Ranger, the Monk, the Necromancer. We don't need obscure "Soul Slayers" or "Shadow Samurai". We need other classes like this. Ones people can relate to, ones that, upon seeing them on game box in the mall, the new players will say "Oh, an Alchemsit, I want to be that!" or "Alright, an Assassin! That's my favorite!" instead of "What the heck is a Dragonbait?"
Kudos on a well-thought-out class idea. My only complaint... how can you have an Alchemist class without mention of a Philosopher's Stone, Philosopher's Egg, turning lead to gold, Panacea, or an elixir of longevity? Hmm... Elite ideas, perhaps?
Kudos on a well-thought-out class idea. My only complaint... how can you have an Alchemist class without mention of a Philosopher's Stone, Philosopher's Egg, turning lead to gold, Panacea, or an elixir of longevity? Hmm... Elite ideas, perhaps?
Yeah perhaps you should be able to turn platinum into gold !!! lol... Or maybe bestow enchantment upon a weapon. Just a thought
I like it.
EDIT: By the way this is EXTREMELY high praise coming from me because I come to this forum purely for laughs.
EDIT: By the way this is EXTREMELY high praise coming from me because I come to this forum purely for laughs.
Honest to g-d, this is a unique suggestion. I had a lot of trouble thinking of a generic archetype that Arenanet has not used yet. Assassin/rogue is overdone and I don't think would mesh well. Alchemist is very nice, fits well into Guild wars, and is unique to boot. You should send this in to Anet ASAP. I'm not so sure about the attributes though, I would like to see more along the lines of mixing and concotion.
meep meep
Originally Posted by sino-soviet
Honest to g-d, this is a unique suggestion. I had a lot of trouble thinking of a generic archetype that Arenanet has not used yet. Assassin/rogue is overdone and I don't think would mesh well. Alchemist is very nice, fits well into Guild wars, and is unique to boot. You should send this in to Anet asap.
And yeah I can understand what most of you are saying about the ideas people come up with for character classes. Most people are like... I want a Turbo Ninja Vampire that can steal 500 life and teleport anywhere, the primary attribute will add +100 armor each point you put in to it, it can also turn invisible five seconds before you attack it. Honestly come on.
I do like this, it would go well with warrior secondary, or as a secondary for warrior, but some skills seem slightly overpowered.
I can see being spammed to no end, the recharge/cost of the skills arn't high enough to balance out their strength.
Iron Vengeance - Global Enchantment, This spell has the range of a spirit ward, For 15-50 seconds every time any player on the field attacks they lose 10 health. |
Conjure Thorns - Enchantment Spell, For 60 seconds every time you attack target enemy begins to bleed for 3-10 seconds. |
meep meep
Originally Posted by shadowfare
I do like this, it would go well with warrior secondary, or as a secondary for warrior, but some skills seem slightly overpowered.
Originally Posted by shadowfare
I can see being spammed to no end, the recharge/cost of the skills arn't high enough to balance out their strength.
I like the idea. It's original, and definitely more likely to be added than "OMG Assassin-Ninja!!!"
Edit: Would this class be melee or ranged?
Edit: Would this class be melee or ranged?