Is the Elit mob "Kor Stonewrath" in Snake dance ?. Im trying to capture a elit skill from him but i can't find him. Or am i missing some part of the map where he can hide out ?. According to many sites he is suppose to be there but i cant find him lol. I tried to find him according to this map
This is where i went in snake dance but still no luck .....
Kor Stonewrath
Mario 64 Master
Those X's are places where he may appear, but not necessarily. Sometimes you have to run to a location a bunch of times before you finally get the correct boss that you want to spawn.
Ok thanks, so in other words i need to camp one of thoose spots. lotsa map resets and running i guess then lol.
Mario 64 Master
If I were you I'd run through there again, then if you don't see him in any of the 3 spots, keep taking the portal, checking the top X, and repeating until you find him there.
Got him, camp for teh win!!.