A class that can morph into any non-boss creature that you have killed during PvE.
Each creature that you kill becomes unlocked like a skill and you gain the basic skills of that creature which you killed. (you would be unable to get more skills for each creature type, only the basic ones which are used in pve by that creature).
So, you can either fill your pvp skillbar with the skills which let you morph into 8 of your killed creatures (and only be able to use their basic attack) or you can pick one or two of them and accompany them with the associated skills for those creatures.
This class would not need any weapons for their morph characters as they would be built in already but the basic character class would have a weapon.
Wouldn't that be fun...change yourself into a moa bird, skeleton ranger or even an enchanted sword.
The class could come with some skills to compliment the main character but it's the ability to morph which would be it's central role.
New class...should be fun.
So it would be called a morpher? It sounds kindof underpowered. It would most like need a ton of balancing issues to work.
i scense someone getting like a lvl 30+ from later in the game and having that as one of their skills.
Yeah i was wondering about the balance. Perhaps more skills could be attained?
It would be really funny though...have a warrior chase you and you turn yourself into a hydra or something
and watch him run away.
You'd never know what the morpher would turn into or even if he had 8 creatures in his skillbar.
It would be really funny though...have a warrior chase you and you turn yourself into a hydra or something

You'd never know what the morpher would turn into or even if he had 8 creatures in his skillbar.
what would happen if you changed into one of those titans? if you died would you turn into a smoldering ashes thingymajigger?
not many can take a titan though
more like a billion balance issues.
murasaat, pvp characters dont have infused armor.......
Grigori Sokolov
even better = glint
Reminds me of a certain class from a certain other game (Shifter anyone?), but it'd definately be fun. Turning into the actual creature with all of its strengths, weaknesses, skills, HP, et cetera would probably be too overpowered (considering monsters have 15 in all their skills...), but still fun.
Maybe if their primary skill was something that allowed you to mimic higher level creatures, say, 1.5 levels per point invested (so the player could mimic any level 3 or less creature with 2 ranks. This way players with high ranks in this could have the fun forms (getting all the way up to level 24 monsters at 16 in this skill), but leaving out the really overpowering ones (like the Bladed Aatxe, and Glint).
It could have another attribute tree that mimiced the monsters skill levels, level 1 in this attribute would use the monster's skills at level 1, so if you managed to mimic a hydra and only had 3 points in this, you'd cast those meteors at level 3 instead of level 15.
Have another attribute for creature damage, like swordsmanship or hammer mastery, the more ranks one had the better damage you'd do with the creature's weapon, if the creature used a hammer then you'd be good with a hammer, for example, or if it used claws then you'd be good with them too, though depending on how many ranks you had.
Finally, have one for creature defence, up to 100% of the creature's normal defence at rank 12, probably with heavy diminishing returns for going higher than that, like the weapon masteries.
Perhaps they'd only have caster 60 AL armour (not that it'd matter, because they should spend most of their time as the creature). Rune bonuses and penalties would still have to apply while transformed, though. The class would also have to spread their points quite thin, but that would keep it from being rediculously overpowered, because you'd have to choose between better forms, damage, skill power, and defence.
Perhaps the forms would be skills, you'd choose your eight and off you'd go. If you wanted to capture more forms, you'd take some special skill that worked like the signet of capture. After the battle you cast it, but instead of choosing from a list of skills, you'd choose from a list of defeated foes you haven't gotten yet. Whether or not these skills for various forms would be timed, maintained, or just enabled until chosen to be disabled should be figured out by someone with more sense of balance than I.
Finally, the skills would have to have attribute requirements, so you don't go get that hydra form with lots of points in the correct attribute and then lower it afterwards. And, while transformed, perhaps your skillbar would change as well, for example if you changed to the hydra your bar would look like Meteor, Fireball, Inferno, and the rest of the spaces would be left blank, perhaps followed by a un-transform skill if it were made like that, or a maintain icon on the maintain bar if it were like that, though the forms would have to be something other than enchant, so the entire class wouldn't be useless when shattered. If it was just a timer until the spell expired, maybe the one transform skill would stay, so you had the option of recasting it before the duration expires.
Anyway, just my thoughts (I seem to have lots of them
). Did I mention this would be really, really fun?

Maybe if their primary skill was something that allowed you to mimic higher level creatures, say, 1.5 levels per point invested (so the player could mimic any level 3 or less creature with 2 ranks. This way players with high ranks in this could have the fun forms (getting all the way up to level 24 monsters at 16 in this skill), but leaving out the really overpowering ones (like the Bladed Aatxe, and Glint).
It could have another attribute tree that mimiced the monsters skill levels, level 1 in this attribute would use the monster's skills at level 1, so if you managed to mimic a hydra and only had 3 points in this, you'd cast those meteors at level 3 instead of level 15.
Have another attribute for creature damage, like swordsmanship or hammer mastery, the more ranks one had the better damage you'd do with the creature's weapon, if the creature used a hammer then you'd be good with a hammer, for example, or if it used claws then you'd be good with them too, though depending on how many ranks you had.
Finally, have one for creature defence, up to 100% of the creature's normal defence at rank 12, probably with heavy diminishing returns for going higher than that, like the weapon masteries.
Perhaps they'd only have caster 60 AL armour (not that it'd matter, because they should spend most of their time as the creature). Rune bonuses and penalties would still have to apply while transformed, though. The class would also have to spread their points quite thin, but that would keep it from being rediculously overpowered, because you'd have to choose between better forms, damage, skill power, and defence.
Perhaps the forms would be skills, you'd choose your eight and off you'd go. If you wanted to capture more forms, you'd take some special skill that worked like the signet of capture. After the battle you cast it, but instead of choosing from a list of skills, you'd choose from a list of defeated foes you haven't gotten yet. Whether or not these skills for various forms would be timed, maintained, or just enabled until chosen to be disabled should be figured out by someone with more sense of balance than I.
Finally, the skills would have to have attribute requirements, so you don't go get that hydra form with lots of points in the correct attribute and then lower it afterwards. And, while transformed, perhaps your skillbar would change as well, for example if you changed to the hydra your bar would look like Meteor, Fireball, Inferno, and the rest of the spaces would be left blank, perhaps followed by a un-transform skill if it were made like that, or a maintain icon on the maintain bar if it were like that, though the forms would have to be something other than enchant, so the entire class wouldn't be useless when shattered. If it was just a timer until the spell expired, maybe the one transform skill would stay, so you had the option of recasting it before the duration expires.
Anyway, just my thoughts (I seem to have lots of them