Hello I am the GM of Defiant Extermination, a guild of about 10 or so people. We were all friends or friends of friends in various other online games and decided to form a guild in GW. Our goal is to participate in GvG as well as just play through the game together helping each other out.
Lately myself and the lead officer have noticed a decline in overall guild participation when it comes to helping out others who are having trouble in some areas. The guild channel chatter has also declined, there was an incident lastnight where 6 members were online and after multiple "Hello's?" and "Anyone there's" there was no response.
Can anyone give suggestions as to how to improve this? I realize every single message is not going to be answered when others are doing something like fighting or whatever and I also realize that its not going to be golden streets and rainbows 24/7 but lately its been less good than bad.
- Iczer
Taking suggestions for guild management
Do you have a forum/website? It's great to have a place where people can plan to do missions. Make "appointments" for battles, pvp, uw/fow trips, etc, that people can pencil into their schedules.
Also update the guild announcements. If you are the leader, you are the one responsible for initiating contacts. Officers help, but ultimately you are the man. (I am the man/woman, and it does take effort - but it pays off!)
Also update the guild announcements. If you are the leader, you are the one responsible for initiating contacts. Officers help, but ultimately you are the man. (I am the man/woman, and it does take effort - but it pays off!)
Detrick Sky
Interesting situation since most of you members know each other from other games. I find that new members, particularly those who do not know anyone, tend to lay back in chat much like people tend to do in other social situations.
Overtime people start interacting. It is true that the guild leader and officers are the ones who need to work hard to get people to interact. Players that have reached end game tend to find things to do solo or in very small groups like farming.
As the guild leader it is best to post events and encourage people to participate. Guilds tht require members to show up to events only shoot themselve in the foot, because it comes off as the Guild Leader being an jackass. If members still do not participate or interact pull them a side in a PM, AIM or ICQ and ask them directly what is up. Sometimes that sparks people and sometimes the member and the guild decide to part ways, but having those talks privately is a better way of handling things.
Overtime people start interacting. It is true that the guild leader and officers are the ones who need to work hard to get people to interact. Players that have reached end game tend to find things to do solo or in very small groups like farming.
As the guild leader it is best to post events and encourage people to participate. Guilds tht require members to show up to events only shoot themselve in the foot, because it comes off as the Guild Leader being an jackass. If members still do not participate or interact pull them a side in a PM, AIM or ICQ and ask them directly what is up. Sometimes that sparks people and sometimes the member and the guild decide to part ways, but having those talks privately is a better way of handling things.