EDIT: oops, RP just means the starting from lvl 1 chars
Yes i am stupid, go away
I heard you can create an RP char, this wasn't in the BWE's right? If it was, i'm blind
RP as in role playing i presume, is there a special RP server or what? It doesn't really make sense to role play when half of the server is only interested in fighting.
hmmm, no way to delete this thread? ok, just close it and dump it admins :P
RP chars?
If half of the server is only interested in fighting, it makes sense that the other half would be interested in role playing. That's still a sizable chunk of people...
But your role playing fantasy would be interrupted by those who aren't role playing, but i thought they meant role playing as in acting like your character would have and all that.
That's when you ignore them. Not everyone who plays a game wants to RP
I guess you could just ignore them, still, it would be better to role play as it should be done when there's only people around who act the same and support you in developing you fiction character.
This would be the reason you have the people you are RPing with all on Team Speak or something and then you just ignore the rest of the chat crap on go on with your session.