After switching from playing my ascended e/mo to my ascended warrior, it is safe to say that alesia and the crew like to steal gold and unid'ed items. I have gotten more gold items soloing on an ascended warrior in low level areas than I get annihilating hydras in perdition rock.
They should tweak it so the henchmen doen't steal all your items (or most of them). The percentage of items gotten with henchmen is horrible.
Make henchmen less greedy
my suggetion is that we can hire the henchies for like 50-100 gold. but while on the mission or quest, we get all the loot
is this right or wrong?

is this right or wrong?
Big Bah
Henchies are to greedy and pretty much worthless
Henchmen take the same amount of items and loot as any real player would ( you just don't see the henchmen item drops). And of course you get more items soloing, there are no human or NPC players to take the drops. This is perfect the way it is. If henchmen didn't share the loot, nobody would ever use actual players.
Wrong, even in the low level areas items drop more than 50-100 gold in value. Even raising the hiring cost would still leave the same problem as listed above. People would gladly pay the fee to go out to high valued areas and farm the heck out of the items with the extreme ease of having a party AND getting all of the drops. Way too overpowered...
my suggetion is that we can hire the henchies for like 50-100 gold. but while on the mission or quest, we get all the loot is this right or wrong? |
I guess it is just to keep it balanced fir a real party of players.The only person who would get anything if they stopped giving stufff out to henchies is the no 1 player and noone would get anything.
very bad idea, it would make farmers lives even easier and give a heavy blow to teamplay (it's already hard enough to join a good party)