Zealots Fire and Fire Damage


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Washington D.C.

Five Nineteen [VXIX]


Most of us should know by now that Armor is not cumulative and hits have a percent chance to hit a certain part of the body.. And, if you know this, you should also know that spells automatically hit the chest piece.

So my question is, someone uses Zealots Fire and triggers it. JoeRandom gets hit by the trigger for X fire damage. Generally, I'd say "It's a spell, it hits the chest piece", however, the spell itself was targeted at the caster and person the ability was used on, not the enemy.. Thus it could be considered as if it "Immolated around the guy" and could hit any area.

Does it hit the chest piece automatically, or does it have to roll?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005


My experiences with ZF is that I'm getting the same number on any one person. Ofcourse, some might not be carrying any sort of elemental resistance armor and some might be carrying a full set (minus the head), but since there's never been a change of numbers regardless of there being a chance to hit the head, I'd have to say that ZF follows the same rules as spells, and that it's calculated off the chest piece. I'm sure the same rule follows for all AoE skills and any after effects they have.

Algren Cole

Algren Cole


Join Date: Jun 2005

I believe Zealot's Fire ignores armor



Sins FTW!

Join Date: Mar 2005


Angel Sharks [AS]

Originally Posted by Algren Cole
I believe Zealot's Fire ignores armor Nope, it doesn't. If it did it would be overly powerful. And I must agree with Shinsei. It seems that it targets the chest only.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

looking for a guild

Kha has it right. It's an AOE fire spell just like flame burst and phoenix.