Sorry if this has been answered but I looked at the patch notes and didn't see anything mentioning this..
Before when I looked at a Priest of Balthazar I saw a Superior Vigor rune, but recently when I try to unlock it, all I see is Major Vigor. At first, I thought this was a bug, but I'm beginning to think that you have to do a progression in order to unlock the highest tier, unlock minor to major to superior. Am I going to have to unlock Major runes if I want to get Superior ones now or is this a bug?
Unlocking Superior Runes for PvP
Yep, you have to unlock the worst to highest, the same applies to upgrades, eg. Vamipric Sword Hilt 1:1, 2:1 then lastly 3:1.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Close but wrong on the weapon upgrades. So long as you have unlocked atleast a lower version of a weapon upgrade, ie a 1/1 vamp string, you can unlock the max version. You do not have to unlock the 2/1, 3/1 and 4/1 before you get the 5/1. If you've unlocked a 3/1 via PvE, you can unlock a 5/1 right away.