Protection Prayers +1 Protective icon
Where to get this item (Protection Prayers +1 (20% Chance while using skills). I know there is a collector somewhere near the lions arch but where exactly?
Aluria The Timid
The collector is to the northwest, about 3/4 of the way to the Ascalon settlement. He is up on top of a little plateau and it is surrounded by the caromi guys. I think he wants caromi scalps too.
Yes he wants 4 ou 5 feather scalps
Thx And i got another question: is there any underworld map with all types of monsters etc?
there is a map, but havent seen a list of all monsters. dont remember where i saw it though.
It's kinda hard to follow the map anyway.
there is also a collector right outside Bloodstone Fen... he gives the +10 Energy version instead of the +8.. u need 5 Jungle Troll Tusks
Aluria The Timid
Watch the various video posted here and on other GW furm sites and they will give you a great idea of just about everywhere you will be able to solo in the UW.
Cant find any uw soloing videos. There lots of grifon runs to dl but no uw ;/