Yes ladies, that's right -- we spam forums. And here we are now.
Anyways, we're a multi-gaming guild that has had success in many titles and many genres. We have had success from Halo PC to City of Heros to World of Warcraft to Call of Duty to Aliens versus Predator 2 and beyond. We're well established with an aggregate membership between chapters of over 300 people. Our GuildWars chapter is and always aspires to be successful, active, vibrant, and, above all, FUN. I hope that y'all check out our website (below), post on the forums, or just keep us in mind. We hope to develop a guild that cares for it's members and is a vibrant, fun experience of talented individuals.
Our website is:
My AIM is: Nanokraut
My e-mail / MSN is [email protected]
I hope to hear from y'all!
Thank you for your time,
Eejit -- Director pro Tem for Element Zero Guild Wars Chapter
Element Zero -- WE SPAM FORUMS.
would you mind giving us your definition of spamming a forum?
Whosa Skylore
Originally Posted by Eejit
Yes ladies, that's right -- we spam forums. And here we are now.
A guild recruitment topic, posted in the proper forum for guild recruitment... That's not spam, and I think they know it. It's obviously supposed to be a joke. :P
William of Orange
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that he's just saying that they've been going around to a bunch of different forum websites and post in every one they find about their guild. He's not deliberating going into forums and posting random off-topic or short posts.
Whosa Skylore
ok, well to me "we spam forums" sounds like hey spam forums, lol, maybe its just me

Well I think y'all are paranoid!
No, I'm infamous for being slightly overzealous in my posting in my forums, and hell, it made people notice the thread. There even was existential discussion started!
No, I'm infamous for being slightly overzealous in my posting in my forums, and hell, it made people notice the thread. There even was existential discussion started!
this post is not spam, calm down. I think he was just referring to the fact that they're posting recruitment topics on several sites. As this forum is created for that very fact, they've broken no rules.
ROFL! I know some Element Zero guys from SWG. Good to see some here too. And for the record, they are a cool bunch.