I'm a marine enginner, currently about to back to sea.
At sea, there is no internet connection.
What I'm wondering, is it possible to get the game running offline? So just play through with the henchmen, collect items build up characters etc?
Must be someway of bypassing the search for the arena network?
Anyone know?
Pray tell,
Is This Possible?
there is no offline activity as then it could be hacked.
everything that happens is server side even though you are serving
good luck and safe return
The server gives you all the information on enemies and drops in the instance, and the information about your character is also stored online, server side. Pretty much all your info except the basic map setup and your options is on Guild Wars servers.
*salutes* i hope u have a safe time there and sory theres no guild wars in sea =(((((
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by conker
*salutes* i hope u have a safe time there and sory theres no guild wars in sea =(((((
Marines don't salute indoors.
unless of course your computer is outside...then forgive me
good luck and stay safe...but no you can't play without an internet connection.
Ok, thats a bummer.
At least I still have counter strike source, which works offline and FM2005 :P
At least I still have counter strike source, which works offline and FM2005 :P