A Group Based Game That's Unfriendly To Groups?
This game is designed for groups...from the PVE to the PVP. But something i've noticed is that the actual game functions quite the opposite...here's a list of why the game seems to be working AGAINST groups.
1) Players have to be in the same district in order to group. Why not make it so when you invite your friend to your group...that person automatically is transfered to the district that the group leader is in?
2) When using the map feature...the group DISBANDS. Um?
3) No player-search function. Instead of being able to open a convient window to search for players that are LFG by level, location and class...we are forced to spam the main channel in hopes of someone answering..OR randomly /Telling people and praying someone says yes.
4) And now for quests...(this is probably one of THEE most annoying things) The entire group can see what Mission you are on...but not what quest?? Are we sure this game is designed for groups? Shouldn't the rest of the group be able to see my quests? In their Quest menu, it should show all the peoples names in the group with THEIR quests underneath..and when you select that quest it shows up on your radar instead of blindly having to follow who ever has what quest.
5) The second someone goes off the radar in your group you can no longer find them. Let me tell you..i've gotten lost a few times trying to find someone or they try to find me simply because we can't see each other on the map anymore. Why not make it so when you click their name their name shows up on-screen and you can just follow the name.
Again...for a game centered around grouping up...it sure seems like the game design is saying the opposite...to me it's saying "don't bother wasting time grouping with people in pve..just use the bots"
1) Players have to be in the same district in order to group. Why not make it so when you invite your friend to your group...that person automatically is transfered to the district that the group leader is in?
2) When using the map feature...the group DISBANDS. Um?
3) No player-search function. Instead of being able to open a convient window to search for players that are LFG by level, location and class...we are forced to spam the main channel in hopes of someone answering..OR randomly /Telling people and praying someone says yes.
4) And now for quests...(this is probably one of THEE most annoying things) The entire group can see what Mission you are on...but not what quest?? Are we sure this game is designed for groups? Shouldn't the rest of the group be able to see my quests? In their Quest menu, it should show all the peoples names in the group with THEIR quests underneath..and when you select that quest it shows up on your radar instead of blindly having to follow who ever has what quest.
5) The second someone goes off the radar in your group you can no longer find them. Let me tell you..i've gotten lost a few times trying to find someone or they try to find me simply because we can't see each other on the map anymore. Why not make it so when you click their name their name shows up on-screen and you can just follow the name.
Again...for a game centered around grouping up...it sure seems like the game design is saying the opposite...to me it's saying "don't bother wasting time grouping with people in pve..just use the bots"
all interesting points, I to hate it when someone in the group gets lost and you can't see them on your map anymore...
Sorena Mascar
I would have to agree with your points.
There could defiantely be a few things changed for the better for groups to function better.
Sorena Mascar
There could defiantely be a few things changed for the better for groups to function better.
Sorena Mascar
I agree with this. For a game that is so centered around grouping and teamwork, there is very little in-game support for actually achieving this. In addition to the points already mentioned:
- Forming a group is an incredibly boring process of spamming the local chat
- Teamwork is very hard to achieve because there's no way to quickly see the builds of the (prospective) team members, and describing a build over chat is a lot of work.
- Forming a group is an incredibly boring process of spamming the local chat
- Teamwork is very hard to achieve because there's no way to quickly see the builds of the (prospective) team members, and describing a build over chat is a lot of work.
Actually, the only thing I would want to see implemented above all else is the "KICK FAGGOT" function in a mission/area.
Your ideas do have merit, however.
Your ideas do have merit, however.
Draco Hunt
I agree 2 ur ids

Alathys Tylderaan
Isn't the forum for adding ideas? not for spouting out your latest rant? Add something constructive!
And, farming is pretty easy and only really works if you are...alone.
Slade xTekno
Originally Posted by GhostPoet
This game is designed for groups...from the PVE to the PVP. But something i've noticed is that the actual game functions quite the opposite...here's a list of why the game seems to be working AGAINST groups.
1) Players have to be in the same district in order to group. Why not make it so when you invite your friend to your group...that person automatically is transfered to the district that the group leader is in? 2) When using the map feature...the group DISBANDS. Um? 3) No player-search function. Instead of being able to open a convient window to search for players that are LFG by level, location and class...we are forced to spam the main channel in hopes of someone answering..OR randomly /Telling people and praying someone says yes. 4) And now for quests...(this is probably one of THEE most annoying things) The entire group can see what Mission you are on...but not what quest?? Are we sure this game is designed for groups? Shouldn't the rest of the group be able to see my quests? In their Quest menu, it should show all the peoples names in the group with THEIR quests underneath..and when you select that quest it shows up on your radar instead of blindly having to follow who ever has what quest. 5) The second someone goes off the radar in your group you can no longer find them. Let me tell you..i've gotten lost a few times trying to find someone or they try to find me simply because we can't see each other on the map anymore. Why not make it so when you click their name their name shows up on-screen and you can just follow the name. Again...for a game centered around grouping up...it sure seems like the game design is saying the opposite...to me it's saying "don't bother wasting time grouping with people in pve..just use the bots" |
1] Um, then what's the point of districts? How hard is it to have your friend click the district bar on the top left corner [or wherever he placed it] and come to you.
It would be nice if guild members initially appeared in the same district.
2] This actually makes players work to get to outposts and cities. Plus, it could be easily exploited.
I guess we could solve the Droknar runners problem by making it possible, though.
3] If such a system existed, what else would players use other than "Search for Mo/Anything?" If you are tired of spamming "LFFG," try creating your own from the others who still are.
4] Good communication is a key in group play. Even the worst will get you on the same quest.
5] Try clicking off-screen to signal your allies. For comedy, have them draw a penis; they're not hard to spot on your radar, and you may not even have to ask them.
A customizable radar would be nice though, in respects to size, colors, etc.
As much as I initially loved your argument, after reading it through a couple times, I find this suggestion a simple product of blase laziness.
1) Whats so hard about saying "meet me in D2"?
2) I like this disband thing sometimes, imagine doing a mission, your almost done and some jerk goes back to town and the game makes you go back with him.. i see a open exploit to anger newbies.. or if someone keeps going from town to town and your stuck in a never ending loading screen over, and over... Once again what is so hard about "meet me in D3"?
3) Necros and Mesmers are already excluded enough and monks over used.. this would only further that, everyone would search Mo/X and nothing else.. besides, what make you think just because we have this people will use it.. ever seen the current state of LA?.. there is a trade channal but no one uses it.. i feel this will get the same lack of attention
4) Just follow them, whats the big deal, half of the quests i help my guild with ive done so many times i don't need the green thing.. nice idea, but not needed
5) I think double clicking their name will make you run towards them, aside from that all i can suggest is to get a better team, the one that loses team members is not the one your looking for if you plan to finnish anything... also use the ping, that thing works wonders sometimes
None of these seem to be too big of problems to me..
2) I like this disband thing sometimes, imagine doing a mission, your almost done and some jerk goes back to town and the game makes you go back with him.. i see a open exploit to anger newbies.. or if someone keeps going from town to town and your stuck in a never ending loading screen over, and over... Once again what is so hard about "meet me in D3"?
3) Necros and Mesmers are already excluded enough and monks over used.. this would only further that, everyone would search Mo/X and nothing else.. besides, what make you think just because we have this people will use it.. ever seen the current state of LA?.. there is a trade channal but no one uses it.. i feel this will get the same lack of attention
4) Just follow them, whats the big deal, half of the quests i help my guild with ive done so many times i don't need the green thing.. nice idea, but not needed
5) I think double clicking their name will make you run towards them, aside from that all i can suggest is to get a better team, the one that loses team members is not the one your looking for if you plan to finnish anything... also use the ping, that thing works wonders sometimes
None of these seem to be too big of problems to me..
Just a comment on #2: This way any lvl would be able to get anywhere with the right people. Lvl 20 that beat the game could take anyone from their guild to ring of fire without and hard work at all.
Not to say this would also ruin Runner Economy (no I'm not one of them)...
Not to say this would also ruin Runner Economy (no I'm not one of them)...
Antonio Cappello
It's not really a case of "It can't be too hard to do this". Sure it's not too hard to do a lot of things, but the more convenient the better. Sure it's not hard to drive into town for groceries, but it's easier to have a convenience store right down the street.
Also groups should be able to change districts without a force disband.
1) Being able to form parties cross-district is fine by me. Adding people that don't know what's going on would be my only problem. You could probably solve that by seperating the "Requests" section into another "Cross-District Request" area, possibly highlighting their name if they're on your friends or guild list.
2) Group warping is also fine by me, as long as when you try to warp, the game sends a gold-font message that "%player wishes to warp to %location. Select this city from your map to warp there." So, everyone has to select the same area to warp there together.
3) I think this would be a counter to what you expect it to do. By listing automatically by class everyone that's willing to join a group, most necros and mesmers and rangers will probably be out of luck. In addition, some people join groups based on how the leader is advertising. If it's blatantly obvious that he cannot spell or use proper grammar and is... an idiot, then they don't join; such a function would negate this. Not a bad idea, just needs fixing.
4) I'd settle for Control + Quest menu to announce, "I'm following the %quest quest!" This way, everyone can hit T, or whatever new key they would add, to switch to it if they'd like.
5) Doesn't come up that much, unless you're with a group of nomads. But clicking on their name and having a gold star appear at their location would be nice.
2) Group warping is also fine by me, as long as when you try to warp, the game sends a gold-font message that "%player wishes to warp to %location. Select this city from your map to warp there." So, everyone has to select the same area to warp there together.
3) I think this would be a counter to what you expect it to do. By listing automatically by class everyone that's willing to join a group, most necros and mesmers and rangers will probably be out of luck. In addition, some people join groups based on how the leader is advertising. If it's blatantly obvious that he cannot spell or use proper grammar and is... an idiot, then they don't join; such a function would negate this. Not a bad idea, just needs fixing.
4) I'd settle for Control + Quest menu to announce, "I'm following the %quest quest!" This way, everyone can hit T, or whatever new key they would add, to switch to it if they'd like.
5) Doesn't come up that much, unless you're with a group of nomads. But clicking on their name and having a gold star appear at their location would be nice.
There are some good points here. Staying in a group when you map would be good. Cross district would be tough maybee make it so they warp when you leave. Do you not like to type?? Try to find a group and if you dont then just leave. It wont make more people want to join you just because there is a "menu" for it. People watch the chat for people lfg. Quest menu is a good idea. And as for the lost people they need to keep the game a little realistic. If someone leaves your map then its their own fault. THey are obviosly a noob and I wouldnt want to party with them anyways.
[QUOTE=Slade xTekno]
3] If such a system existed, what else would players use other than "Search for Mo/Anything?" If you are tired of spamming "LFFG," try creating your own from the others who still are.
Just wanted to comment on this one in particular. As it was confusing.
Try creating my own party from people who are LFG? How do I know they are LFG? Once again we are back to the spamming or randomly /telling people for a half hour hoping someone answers. Yeah. that's REAL fun.
As for laziness. It's a Game. Games are suppose to be player-friendly by design. It's not lazy. It's convienent. It's how games are suppose to be. Why do I want to spend a a half hour looking for players when I could be actually playing?
The game is not group friendly in the slightest...there are too many things going against groups. Look at CoH for how to do grouping right.
3] If such a system existed, what else would players use other than "Search for Mo/Anything?" If you are tired of spamming "LFFG," try creating your own from the others who still are.
Just wanted to comment on this one in particular. As it was confusing.
Try creating my own party from people who are LFG? How do I know they are LFG? Once again we are back to the spamming or randomly /telling people for a half hour hoping someone answers. Yeah. that's REAL fun.
As for laziness. It's a Game. Games are suppose to be player-friendly by design. It's not lazy. It's convienent. It's how games are suppose to be. Why do I want to spend a a half hour looking for players when I could be actually playing?
The game is not group friendly in the slightest...there are too many things going against groups. Look at CoH for how to do grouping right.
Originally Posted by Plague
1) Being able to form parties cross-district is fine by me. Adding people that don't know what's going on would be my only problem. You could probably solve that by seperating the "Requests" section into another "Cross-District Request" area, possibly highlighting their name if they're on your friends or guild list.
2) Group warping is also fine by me, as long as when you try to warp, the game sends a gold-font message that "%player wishes to warp to %location. Select this city from your map to warp there." So, everyone has to select the same area to warp there together. 3) I think this would be a counter to what you expect it to do. By listing automatically by class everyone that's willing to join a group, most necros and mesmers and rangers will probably be out of luck. In addition, some people join groups based on how the leader is advertising. If it's blatantly obvious that he cannot spell or use proper grammar and is... an idiot, then they don't join; such a function would negate this. Not a bad idea, just needs fixing. 4) I'd settle for Control + Quest menu to announce, "I'm following the %quest quest!" This way, everyone can hit T, or whatever new key they would add, to switch to it if they'd like. 5) Doesn't come up that much, unless you're with a group of nomads. But clicking on their name and having a gold star appear at their location would be nice. |
How do you know a search function wouldn't make those classes MORE wanted? I play all three of those and find them to be very powerful. I remember a little while back in CoH (I use this as an example because it is a testament to how great grouping can be..I can get a full group of 8 in under 5 minute..and all quality groups) That controllers were thought of as the "weakest class"...after a while they ended up becoming a very requested type...nothing changed in them..it's just that more people started grouping with them and finding out their potential.
The more options you give people..the more they may experiment. You'll still have SOME who think there are only certain classes who are good. (and they should get out of their little box) But many will experiment. Just can't believe some people here are so against making things a little easier. *gasp* :P
I'm so tired of playing with bots.