Posting Images
Imrys Starborn
well, to tell the truth, i feel like a complete n00b to ask this, but how exactly do you post an image (in the message)? For example, in vetari's sell/sell, how would I post a small image of the items i wished to sell? thanks.
use to host ur own pictures or if u got a picture u want to post that is on a internet page just make [img]adress[/img]
Then the picture u want will be in the post...
Then the picture u want will be in the post...
Imrys Starborn
thanks a million
Seeing if this works
[img]D:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Screens\flamberge description.JPG[/img]
[img]D:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Screens\flamberge description.JPG[/img]