can someone post some necro pet pics please
can someone paste some necro pics and some necro pet pics please
im dieing to playt his class !
im dieing to playt his class !
bumpyt bump bump
Then go play it?
Principa Discordia
Gadzookie might be stuck in the same position as me... Ordered the game last week, still waiting for it to arrive thanks to weekends and bank holidays. *Grumble.* It'll come, one day. =(
Disco Impulse
Necros can't have pets...only rangers can.
besides, there are only four kinds that i have seen
-menthalrus's stalker (tiger like)
-Snow Wolf
-strange osterich bird thing
besides, there are only four kinds that i have seen
-menthalrus's stalker (tiger like)
-Snow Wolf
-strange osterich bird thing
by pets i think he means the summoned things
Bail Salu
-menthalrus's stalker (tiger like)
-Snow Wolf
-strange osterich bird thing
-Lynx Belive it or not, I partyed with someone who had tamed a bear last night. The thing was slow and stupid, but he had tamed it...
First of all..congratulations on choosing what is, in my opinion one of the most enjoyable professions to play in Guild Wars.
I would have posted a picture of the 'pet' but..they're a bit boring to be honest and I don't usually carry that skill around with me.
But onto the screenshots..Nerwen Elensar, the level 12 necromancer/elementalist
A nice pose for the camera..shame she decided to blink just as the flash went off.
What're you lookin' at?
Goodness gracious, great balls o' fire.
I apologise for the bad quality of the armour (and the captions *cough*) but I am still working on it.
I would have posted a picture of the 'pet' but..they're a bit boring to be honest and I don't usually carry that skill around with me.
But onto the screenshots..Nerwen Elensar, the level 12 necromancer/elementalist
A nice pose for the camera..shame she decided to blink just as the flash went off.
What're you lookin' at?
Goodness gracious, great balls o' fire.
I apologise for the bad quality of the armour (and the captions *cough*) but I am still working on it.
yeah i have to wait till may 31 to get mines and necros cant have pets in this game ?????????????????????? omg !
Originally Posted by Disco Impulse
Necros can't have pets...only rangers can.
Yes... yes they can. They can actually have a whole army of them.
I'm not a pet necro so I don't have any screens for you though.
I'm not a pet necro so I don't have any screens for you though.
Guillaume De Sonoma
Well why not be a nec/ranger or ran/nec you could have a bunch of minions and a pet. That would be a lot of fun having them gang up on someone while you sit back and laugh while casting death nova on the minions.
Well, if you want to view the "pets" as a necro, then you'll have to wait for a decent Necro to get on here, because getting the summon spells that allow your summons to remain without a time limit(the first spell has a time limit per creature, but it's not too short). As for Necros, I stay away from the male model...he's least all the ones I've seen are ugly. They have awexome armors though...but female models have the graces of having a decent model, because they aren't skinny like the male model is(face it, he's not all...nerd...) and they get wicked armor. Though I haven't created one personally since the beta stuff ended. I mainly us E/N R/Me or W/Mo because those are all different classes, and I want to unlock as many skills as possible, for PvP mode.
*gibber* They get pets that dont constantly die?
I'm in love!
I'm in love!
Yep, they're farther than my elementalist, which isn't very far, I'm just getting into Shiverpeaks, and I met the Necro called Verata, he has them, and if you make a PvP character(or just look through the Death Necromancer Skills) you'll see 2 other minion spells, both permanent I think.
No they all have health degeration on them. But there are spells that can keep them healed so you can actually keep them around for a while.
sry my best bud is necro but I don't take many pictures, lol but in this one you can see him way back in the back right the reddish one thats one of his necro creatures, currently he usually controls 4 level 12's
I think my pets in there too(melandrus stalker) theres also some komodo type thing, snow wolves, moa birds, lynx's, and a few others I can't think of cuz its too late
I think my pets in there too(melandrus stalker) theres also some komodo type thing, snow wolves, moa birds, lynx's, and a few others I can't think of cuz its too late
I am pretty low level, but here are a few screenshots of the bone horror. It's the only one I can summon so far.
I have a nice pic of me with a lot o' bone monkies, anyone want to tell me how to insert a screenshot?
Originally Posted by Ikinsey
I have a nice pic of me with a lot o' bone monkies, anyone want to tell me how to insert a screenshot?
There's a button under the reply box that says 'manage attachments' that you can use to upload a picture. Otherwise, you can use a free online hosting service like or favorites, imageHACK and imagedump are garbage) and use bb tags to insert the pic, or just paste the link.
There's a button under the reply box that says 'manage attachments' that you can use to upload a picture. Otherwise, you can use a free online hosting service like or favorites, imageHACK and imagedump are garbage) and use bb tags to insert the pic, or just paste the link.
BTW, if you want a Necromancer with a real pet, be Necro/Ranger.
And Minion Necros suck for many reasons.
A. Summoning needs bodies. In PvP that is way too rare.
B. Summoning needs loads of energy. Not good.
C. Minions slowly die anyway.
And Minion Necros suck for many reasons.
A. Summoning needs bodies. In PvP that is way too rare.
B. Summoning needs loads of energy. Not good.
C. Minions slowly die anyway.
Ha ha, 15 energy is hardly loads of energy. Any spell caster can sacrifice 15 energy, and if they can't, they're wearing the wrong armor. And of course, Summon Necros have never been a good thing in PvP, unless you're talking D2, when you could have 70+ summons all with thorns on them...
Even though the minions die away slowly, they take the hits, and that's what counts. I usually don't summon them anyways until a boss, and even then I usually just use Putrid Explosion...
Even though the minions die away slowly, they take the hits, and that's what counts. I usually don't summon them anyways until a boss, and even then I usually just use Putrid Explosion...
Hopefully this pic works. Necromancer summons do NOT suck by any strecth of the imagination, look at this picture and tell me THAT will not do some damage.
Yeah. At level 12. An Army of level 11 Bone Horrors+corpse explosion is nothing tos coff at.
Ikinsey, is that taken during the beta? because the display has different skins then what i see in my game...
Teufel Eldritch
Minions are also great distractions. Direct a few minions towards a enemy group & they will focus on them instead of you. You can then attack from a secure postion or run away if you need to. This is also beneficial to the tanks too as the creature will tend to attack the minions first & then the tank wont be taking so much damage if any.
Necros own plain & simple. Sure they might not good for PvP but hey I dont play PvP & doubt I ever will.
Necros own plain & simple. Sure they might not good for PvP but hey I dont play PvP & doubt I ever will.
Originally Posted by kratic
Ikinsey, is that taken during the beta? because the display has different skins then what i see in my game...
Yeah thats a classic pic from the first World Beta Weekend event, still shows Necro Power at its finest.
Thoose old ones look better in my view
Originally Posted by Disco Impulse
Necros can't have pets...only rangers can.
besides, there are only four kinds that i have seen
-menthalrus's stalker (tiger like)
-Snow Wolf
-strange osterich bird thing
-Lynx Bear as well.
besides, there are only four kinds that i have seen
-menthalrus's stalker (tiger like)
-Snow Wolf
-strange osterich bird thing
-Lynx Bear as well.
Here's a good shot of how the bone horrors (Necro pets) surround their Master.