Help with Tengu Farming
I want to solo the Tengu outside of riverside and need to know a good strategy and skills to use for this. Im a Mo/W maxed out in smiting.
White Designs
Pretty easy stuff.
Balthazar's Aura/Symbol of Wrath/Balthazar's Spirit/Zealot's Fire/Mark of Protection/Bonetti's Defense/Divine Boon/whatever you want
Balthazar's Aura/Symbol of Wrath/Balthazar's Spirit/Zealot's Fire/Mark of Protection/Bonetti's Defense/Divine Boon/whatever you want
Maximus Titan
Those skills are useless, since the mesmers (wilds) will own you with your enchantmants Shatter Enchantmants will do about 101 dmg to you, then the will steal your energy... then your SoL.Farm the Undead outside of Bergon Hot Springs, Better Drops easier with smiting since it will do Double Dmg. and use Healing hands in place of Marks of Protection, its better, faster recharge. Get your bonneties at 10seconds then use healing hands first, when it runs out wait 2 1/2 seconds use bonniets that way you only have 2 1/2 seconds of vulnerability both times.
Pippy Bloodstocking
Those Tengu might go down easier against a Warrior weilding Mark of Pain or somesuch.
He's talking about the tengu elites outside of riverside, which are all warriors.
They don't shatter enchantments.
They don't shatter enchantments.
Where do u tengu farm at?? i need to find the tengu boss ny darkclaw somthing
ne1 know where he is?
ne1 know where he is?
Wild Guess: Mineral Springs.
yea mineral springs
If this player is only at Riverside they won't have zealots fire as it is only avaible in the desert and balance stance is better in combat and any smiting skill that can pentrate armor I believe Judges insight.
well i use the 55hp mo/w build and it works fine. i've also used the 105hp build and that works as well.
I the tengu farming still possible after the recent updates.