1) GOLD MAX Fiery Great Axe of Fortitude Req12 Axe Mastery
+28health, +%14 Dmg Always, -10armor while attacking
2) GOLD MAX Icy War Axe of Fortitude Req11 Axe Mastery
+25health, +%20 Dmg While Hexed
3) GOLD MAX Crippling Cleaver of Shelter Req12 Axe Mastery
+6 armor vs. Physical, +%13 Dmg While Enchanted, Lengthens Cripple
4) GOLD MAX Zealous Cleaver of Fortitude Req11 Axe Mastery
+26health, +%20 Dmg While Hexed, Energy Stealing +1 Regen -1
5) GOLD MAX Shocking Flamberge Req 10 SwordMastery
+%13 Dmg Always, -10armor while attacking
IGN is Hanso Togakure, you can make offers there or here on the forums.
Gold Axe's and Gold Sword for Sale!
Hanso Togakure