WTS: Almost perfect tactics shield!
Well guys, this is my own shield and i need a serious offer to sell it!
5 frost griffon wings
lol \o/
The Fenixxor
Its a collectors item suggest you close the thread before people whip out their flame cannons.
Damn i knew that others know it too
The Fenixxor
Omg i cant believe you just said that, youve basically just admitted your trying to scam people.
Death by Ooga Booga
Are you the one I just sold this to last night in LA? I thought you would try to sell it since it wasnt even what you were looking for.
Janos Harr
Jesus! What's with the overload of idiots selling collector's items on these forums recently? Take that shiz to ascalon ffs! After your admission that you're trying to scam people and your cute little ''I need a nice offer because it's my shield'' bit, you may as well just f*ck off from these boards.
The Fenixxor
Originally Posted by Janos Harr
Jesus! What's with the overload of idiots selling collector's items on these forums recently? Take that shiz to ascalon ffs! After your admission that you're trying to scam people and your cute little ''I need a nice offer because it's my shield'' bit, you may as well just f*ck off from these boards.
Well said.
Death by Ooga Booga
Wow Harsh! Maybe he is new. No need to rag on him so bad.
The Fenixxor
Originally Posted by Death by Ooga Booga
Wow Harsh! Maybe he is new. No need to rag on him so bad.
Its not because he made a mistake about posting the collectors item, its what he said afterwards that I have a problem with
Death by Ooga Booga
Ah yes, gotcha!
Omg... why the hell all of u cuss and talk like that... I have seen ppl selling cuztomized ARMOR PARTS... and get money for that... And when i posted my thread i thought it has some value cuz it took me long time to collect that wings... At least get sth for that. And all i wanted is any money so that i can buy a descent axe, my 5k at storage won't do it... Than they PMed me and told me it has no value at all...
And tnx to Death by Ooga Booga, at least he has some undestanding... I guess all of the traders here are some sick and crazy-like rich koreans who spam and get tons of sigls... Well I am not that rich u know.
And tnx to Death by Ooga Booga, at least he has some undestanding... I guess all of the traders here are some sick and crazy-like rich koreans who spam and get tons of sigls... Well I am not that rich u know.
The Fenixxor
Originally Posted by Bokocasso
and btw:
Originally Posted by Bokocasso
I have seen ppl selling cuztomized ARMOR PARTS... and get money for that...
You can salvage runes from customised armour parts.
Omg he admits he is scamming people and when people flame him for that he thinks those people need to chill.
Dude you are asking for it! Bokocasso
The Fenixxor I am talking about crap parts from ascalon with no runes on them.
Asking for what? Emerald Mist
It is true there are scammers in GW, but it doesnt mean you should join them. You need re-educated curserwigger
I really dont see why he is a scammer...He didn't name a price....he just wanted something for it...I am sure there is someone out there that doesn't want to take the time to get 5 wings and would rather pay 1k or something reasonable. Just let it be already.
Try reading the rules, stop bumping your own thread.
Time to end this discussion.
@ Bokocasso: please don't try that in this forum, or some moderator is going to stomp harder. |