Infuse your character not your amour
aron searle
Ok let me explain
When i first went to infuse my armour i had full 80+ gladiator armour except for my boots. so of i went to complete the set once i had the money, and i needed to infuse them.
Fast foward and i know have a set of gladiator armour / plate / a 15k gladiator top / knights armour on the way and my chainmail top (different sets for different occasions).
and to be honest i cant be arsed to infuse them all. I assume you only get the armour your wearing infused not whats sitting in your inventory. which means 4 runs to infuse it all.
When i first went to infuse my armour i had full 80+ gladiator armour except for my boots. so of i went to complete the set once i had the money, and i needed to infuse them.
Fast foward and i know have a set of gladiator armour / plate / a 15k gladiator top / knights armour on the way and my chainmail top (different sets for different occasions).
and to be honest i cant be arsed to infuse them all. I assume you only get the armour your wearing infused not whats sitting in your inventory. which means 4 runs to infuse it all.
If you have it in your inventory, after you do the Eidolon thing, can't you just talk to the Seer four times, wearing a different armor set every time?
no that doesn't work.
and yeah only they armor that you're wearing gets infused so if you have more than 1 set you have to do the run once for each set
and yeah only they armor that you're wearing gets infused so if you have more than 1 set you have to do the run once for each set
Omega Complex
Just keep going with the game. You have the option to get infused during each of the last 3 missions. (Ring of Fire, Abbadon's Mouth, Hell's Precipice). There is a seer in all of them and yes, you can get infused again. Thats what I did. I have different tatoos for my arms to accomodate different attributes (prot, smite, heal) and i just switched them out and got them infused in Ring of Fire and in Abbadon's Mouth
emil knight
Well it's really not all that hard to go and get infused again. I've seen many groups forming in Iron Mines for that sole purpose. It's a bit of a run to get there, but the actual infusion part isn't all that difficult.
Man Of A Thousand Faces
I don't see that big of a deal with the run to do Iron Mines again to infuse a second set. Or to use the last three missions to infuse your other sets either. I'd be willing to do both actually.
people stop being lazy once and for all ...
Alathys Tylderaan
I remember when you could only infuse one piece at a time, 5 runs for 1 set of armour
They already made it easier. :/
Also, you can infuse your armour in mineral springs, north from granite citadel, so that's a place this isn't even a mission to do it.
They already made it easier. :/
Also, you can infuse your armour in mineral springs, north from granite citadel, so that's a place this isn't even a mission to do it.
Hmm... It really isn't that bad to get armor infused... But when you think about it, does Spectral Agony even consider armor at all? But it's a bit of a change in the way the game is.
Never heard of this. Share some details
Originally Posted by Alathys Tylderaan
Also, you can infuse your armour in mineral springs
aron searle
Ok thanks for the other locations, big help. but....
The reason I want your character infused and not you is that’s its simply BORING to have to go and run and get your amour infused every time I buy more.
Its not a job its a game, i dont like grind.
The reason I want your character infused and not you is that’s its simply BORING to have to go and run and get your amour infused every time I buy more.
people stop being lazy once and for all ... |
I'd second this. I don't much care how hard it was in the past, the missions are there for story continuity, and replaying them as a prerequisite doesn't really make sense, which is why, I imagine (aside from being a pain), changing it from the old 5 run method was integrated.
Really, when you think about it, being infused does nothing but protect you from one skill. The game is basically checking for "if $characterinfused == false then {spectralagonymultiplier();}"
It's just an excuse to make the Mursaat seem powerful, as far as the story goes. Once you've seen the story, the effect is worthless. It doesn't reduce damage from any other source, as far as I know. Now, if being infused gave you -1 damage for each armor piece or something, I'd be delighted to leave it as-is.
Really, when you think about it, being infused does nothing but protect you from one skill. The game is basically checking for "if $characterinfused == false then {spectralagonymultiplier();}"
It's just an excuse to make the Mursaat seem powerful, as far as the story goes. Once you've seen the story, the effect is worthless. It doesn't reduce damage from any other source, as far as I know. Now, if being infused gave you -1 damage for each armor piece or something, I'd be delighted to leave it as-is.
My mesmer has 3 masks right now, and eventually I plan on getting a 4th. Even if I had all 4 masks when I did a single infusion run, I can only wear 1 at the time I do the infusion (under current system). Factor in an infusion run for each of my 15k armor pieces (it took me a while to purchase all of them since mesmers aren't great farmers). This character had their first set of armor infused under the old system (5 pieces of armor, 5 runs). Guess how many times I had to do infusion runs for one character.
They aren't that common. I've tried several times to find a infusion run group without success.
Yes, you can get your armor infused in more than one place (I discovered the location of the one in Abbadon's Mouth by accident while doing the bonus -- the Eidolon is right at the bonus end, check for maps), but Iron Mines is easiest because it doesn't require you to be infused to complete it and the cut scene helps with running groups.
I've seen many groups forming in Iron Mines for that sole purpose. |
Yes, you can get your armor infused in more than one place (I discovered the location of the one in Abbadon's Mouth by accident while doing the bonus -- the Eidolon is right at the bonus end, check for maps), but Iron Mines is easiest because it doesn't require you to be infused to complete it and the cut scene helps with running groups.
Originally Posted by Plague
the missions are there for story continuity, and replaying them as a prerequisite doesn't really make sense.
or buy gold in e bay
for me the infusion runs where always fun , i love it
I personally like to have my second set of armor ready for new infusion by the time I go to cap in Mineral Springs. The team of people I run with are usually in the same situation, with getting a new headgear or gloves, etc, by that time as well. With a full party of several character types, it's quite easy to complete that part of the map.
If you do it with henchies, it could be problematic, since they don't know to move out of maelstrom.
If you do it with henchies, it could be problematic, since they don't know to move out of maelstrom.
Originally Posted by Plague
Really, when you think about it, being infused does nothing but protect you from one skill. The game is basically checking for "if $characterinfused == false then {spectralagonymultiplier();}" |
This is readily apparent on the henchies who appear to have only part of their equipment infused.
Again, I stand by the thought that it's not a big deal to get infused again.
Ever since the update you only need to do the infuse once. If you get new armor, just do it again, once. Its kind of fun actauly. And with that a lot more logical.
Originally Posted by DarkWasp
Ever since the update you only need to do the infuse once.
I like it this way as it makes for a harder challenge fighting mursaat (not much, but a little), but as someone said, you can get infused in the last 3 missions and in mineral springs, so if you did one iron mines run, one mineral spring cap run, and the last missions, you would get stronger as time went by and not have to redo any missions. Most players (myself included) chose to just run iron mines 5 times.
btw: To get infused in mineral springs, just keep heading to the right (east) It is possible with henchmen, as I have done it with them. Not easy (healers enjoy standing in maelstrom) but doable
It's just an excuse to make the Mursaat seem powerful, as far as the story goes. Once you've seen the story, the effect is worthless. It doesn't reduce damage from any other source, as far as I know. Now, if being infused gave you -1 damage for each armor piece or something, I'd be delighted to leave it as-is. |
Arcanis Imperium
I did the Infusion mission last night finally, I've been going pretty slow through the game just to enjoy myself.
Now I've heard from others about how infusion isnt near as effective as it used to be. So I want to know, even for those who were there when you had to do it 5 times, do Jade Armor's still bash people who are infused pretty hard?
One got near me directly after infusion, and it killed me and my whole group in under a minute.
Is this normal?
Now I've heard from others about how infusion isnt near as effective as it used to be. So I want to know, even for those who were there when you had to do it 5 times, do Jade Armor's still bash people who are infused pretty hard?
One got near me directly after infusion, and it killed me and my whole group in under a minute.
Is this normal?