This Armor thing....

Charcoal Ann

Charcoal Ann

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

In a World of BADGERS!

Eternal Flame Brotherhood

The guys at Anet say that :
Does armor stack?

Not in the strictest sense of the word. Each piece of armor protects a specific area of the body, so a full set of armor works together to protect your character. The benefit of any footwear only applies to the feet, and that of any chest piece only to the chest area. Armor with extra damage-absorption will absorb damage from attacks to a specific area of the body, so in that sense, it doesn't stack. Armor with a plus to Energy, on the other hand, will increase your Energy by the stated amount for each piece of armor, e.g., if your helm, boots, and pauldron all give +5 Energy, your total benefit is +15 Energy.

this however seems to be contrary to the evidence: that one peice of knights or ascalon armor provide a whle body benefit.

a test that i tried. i was wearing just knights gauntlets (no other armor) and this damage occured:
7, 8, 6, 7, 8, 7, 7, 7, 8, 6, 8, 8, 7, 8,--- avg 7.29 dmg

when wearing no armour at all :
8, 10, 10, 8, 9, 9, 10, 9, 8, 8, 10, 10, 9, 8 --- avg of 9 dmg

only a small sample but already you can see the difference that should not be there. i have remover criticals and hits on my gloves for normal hits only on the supposedly unarmored parts of the body.

this (and every other investigaion ito this) seems to show that, contrary to what Anet says, just one peice of knights is all that is needed for optimal protection.

i find this very annoying because my female warrior looks great in her knights armor (just the helm being a slight problem) and this seems to suggest that a full suit of knights armor is pointless. why not just have knights gauntlets as a special hand armour? why have the full suit?

other proffesions have unique items of armour (like the necromancer bloodstained boots) why don't these have full suits so that people can mix and match their armour for the perfect results?

i am left with the conclusion that this is not meant to be so and is a bug. but if so why has Anet not fixed it? i don't like this because i think that knights armor is THE best armor that a warrior can buy and i don't like it to be dismissed by the powergamers. although even normal players are taking this approach now... just to be competitive.
sure it allows me to look better than everyone else but it also means that i die quickly.

i would rather like either for the reduction to be made the way it was intended or for a full suit of knights to provide some benifit to make it competive... even if it is just you get a damage reduction of 3 for a full set rather than just 2 (which you can get from one peice)

any other ideas on how knights could be made competitive are welcome.

and if anyone from Anet reads this... either tell me you are doing something or DO do something.

Knights armour is in need of saving (almost as much as the ghostly staves...which come to think of it could do with becoming competitive as well)


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Charcoal Ann
this (and every other investigaion ito this) seems to show that, contrary to what Anet says, just one peice of knights is all that is needed for optimal protection.
Where did they say that? I'm curious because I thought it was well known that you only need one peice of knights armour to gain the benefit over the whole body.

Originally Posted by Charcoal Ann
why not just have knights gauntlets as a special hand armour?
That (or knights boots) is what everyone does isn't it?

Charcoal Ann

Charcoal Ann

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

In a World of BADGERS!

Eternal Flame Brotherhood

Originally Posted by Charcoal Ann
Armor with extra damage-absorption will absorb damage from attacks to a specific area of the body, so in that sense, it doesn't stack.
thats where it says it. (from the online manual at

and it doesn't get away from the point. all other proffesions don't have the option of (essentialy useless) full body. necros don't have the option of a full body set of bloodstained armour that still only provides the bonus of the boots do they?

so why do warriors?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Ye olde England.

Interesting...Have you tried doing a test with a full suit of Plate Vs Knights?

Charcoal Ann

Charcoal Ann

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

In a World of BADGERS!

Eternal Flame Brotherhood

damage recieved by a full suit of knights, full suit of plate and a hybrid suit you mean? no. i have seen results of tests such as this but cannot replecate these myself because of a lack of funds.

however based on the one i did carry out it suggests that the reduction from knights is whole body from one peice and logic would dictate that this continues to be so when armour is applied.

and to wheel: this still does not invalidate my argument for either a bonus for a full suit of knights, a fix of this exception to the general rules of armor, or the scrapping of the full knights set for just gauntlets or boots. (this would be an awful waste as the knights is the best looking warrior armor out there IMO)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

Topeka, Kansas

Tyrian Fo Lyfe [word]

Originally Posted by Charcoal Ann
damage recieved by a full suit of knights, full suit of plate and a hybrid suit you mean? no. i have seen results of tests such as this but cannot replecate these myself because of a lack of funds.

however based on the one i did carry out it suggests that the reduction from knights is whole body from one peice and logic would dictate that this continues to be so when armour is applied.

and to wheel: this still does not invalidate my argument for either a bonus for a full suit of knights, a fix of this exception to the general rules of armor, or the scrapping of the full knights set for just gauntlets or boots. (this would be an awful waste as the knights is the best looking warrior armor out there IMO)
damage that would be received by a user wearing a hybrid of knight gloves with the rest being platemail would be less than a user wearing full plate or full knight.

btw, i was not trying to invalidate your argument for the bonus of knights to be non global at all. i was mainly trying to clear up the misconception that some people have that the game manual is correct.

Charcoal Ann

Charcoal Ann

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

In a World of BADGERS!

Eternal Flame Brotherhood

whilst i may get my head kicked in most liberally by those warriors that take advantage of this i don't think that knights as it currently is fits the established pattern of armor in the game. i would like it too.

i did not think that you were arguing with me

and i have read every thread on this subject that i could find and the information that i found spurred me to create this thread for equality among armors

(oh dear... its staring to sound like my ghostly staves thread..... Save The Ghostly Staves!....and Knights Armour!)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

Topeka, Kansas

Tyrian Fo Lyfe [word]

FWIW, sometimes I don't even use any knights armor on some of my warriors in pvp. usually i bring stonefist and rest glads. so it's not a big deal for me :-)

Charcoal Ann

Charcoal Ann

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

In a World of BADGERS!

Eternal Flame Brotherhood

Stonefist!! i knew there was another example of single peice armour providing an always benefit! why isn't knights like these in their current form? just some gauntlets?

and i can't belive you use no knights at all! i'll admit that the helm leaves something to be desired but the rest is great!

(sorry bout the over-zealous use of exclamation marks :P)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

Topeka, Kansas

Tyrian Fo Lyfe [word]

it would be impossible to have stonefist gauntlets give a non global bonus since they apply to a player's offensive capabilities, not defensive. but anyway, gladiator's gives me a much more valuable commodity on a warrior than damage reduction: extra energy.

Charcoal Ann

Charcoal Ann

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

In a World of BADGERS!

Eternal Flame Brotherhood

i'm not arguing for stonefists to become an armor type (though i appreciate it may seem that way) but for Knights (which provide a global bonus like stonfist) to become a single special peice for only one peice of the body. or to be changed to follow normal armor conventions... ie. to provide only local bonuses



Just Plain Fluffy

Join Date: Dec 2004

Berkeley, CA

Idiot Savants

I agree completely that the -2 damage reduction from Knight's Armor needs to be a local effect. That would at least make the Knight's Armor vs. Platemail argument interesting.

On the whole, though, the argument would still be pointless because Gladiator's armor grossly overshadows all of the other armor options. When there are three options, does it matter how well the other two are balanced against each other if one suit is clearly better than the others?


Charcoal Ann

Charcoal Ann

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

In a World of BADGERS!

Eternal Flame Brotherhood

i can see the attraction of Gladiator armour but personally i have never ran into energy problems as my warrior and this vs physical stuff sounds great but very rarely are enemies useing an unmodified weapon that late in the game... all wands are elemental and i suspect that most weapons (even those of hammer weilding grawl) are modified at least to that degree. the physical armour bonus only really applies to things like minotaurs and trolls and those based on them. (even this doesn't work if a ranger is near thanks to rituals like winter)


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Extra enery is always useful but gladiators armour does look awful.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

Topeka, Kansas

Tyrian Fo Lyfe [word]

it looks even more ridiculous with stonefist gauntlets



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

If they changed how ascalon/knights armor worked, then it would most likely have an effect on how the runes work, due to their inherent global effects and shields and so on.

They have alot of interesting systems in place, but its like they just stopped developing them after a certain point.



Beta Tester

Join Date: Jan 2005

Carebear Club

The damage reduction from knight's is supposed to be local, but is in fact global. It's one of those bugs that has been around forever, and seems to always be getting pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. Enjoy it while it's still around, but don't get too upset when it starts functioning properly.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005



I hope they will put the desired changes after the ESL.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fix it ASAP, otherwise it serves no purpose to own the Knight's armor other than aesthetics. its plainly obvious that of all the professions the Warrior's armor selection is the most unbalanced.