building swords

Rebels Redemption

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Baton Rouge, LA

Fellowship Of The Bling


Alright i want to build a sword and i want to know a few things first.

Do i have to put the hilt/pommel on in a certain order?
If i do this wrong will they override one another?
Will it get rid of the +13%>50 if i do this?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005


[NES] Nintendo Powered


A hilt will give you a suffix
A pommel will give you a prefix

No, they dont override intrinsic values, they only override other prefix / suffixes. Also, order doesn't matter, and it will tell you if you are overriding anything.

so basically you add somerhing like sword pommel of fortitude + fiery sword hilt, and you have a fiery flamberge of fortitude or whatever, 13% dmg increase, fire dmg, and +20-30 hp

Rebels Redemption

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Baton Rouge, LA

Fellowship Of The Bling


thanks alot man

help me plz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

ya order doesnt matter and Sword Hilt and pommel stack