Quick Question
Ice Heart
Ok, I understand that this is an Online Rpg. What I would like to know, is if GW is anything like Everquest? Now I know that most of you getting GW have played or atleast seen. If any of you have, I would apriciate some info on what the Online experience will be like in GW.
March Hare
Well that kind of comparing apples and oranges. The games are similar in the fact that they are both set in a fantasy world, but the main differance is the emphacise is an an even playing field. You max out at Level 20, therfore people who've played 1000's of hours don't trounce those whove only played 100's. There is lots to explore, and even (now) an area to hone your skill. A relativly larege training area (good til ~level 5).
The Best Place it to go to their website to understand all of it
Guld Wars
The Best Place it to go to their website to understand all of it
Guld Wars
Compairing GW to EQ would be wrong on so many levels... but i can try anyway. Basicly its EQ without any of the tedious parts and way more PvP. But EQ really didnt have PvP or atleast balanced PvP so... this is a horrible compairson im sorry if i offended anyone
. All i can say is that if you like pvp and the strategy/teamwork invovled with it guild wars will be the best thing since sliced bread.
Edit:Geezus im always posting as soomone else is posting... i guess ill have to live with being the 2nd answer on everything...

Edit:Geezus im always posting as soomone else is posting... i guess ill have to live with being the 2nd answer on everything...
March Hare
me to i guess this time i got it first - your turn next time k?
Dont forget to mention that the GW world isnt like the standard mmorpg worlds most of us are accustomed to. You cant just run around in the "zones" and meet up with people, any place that you can adventure in is instanced for the group that you are part of. This includes the PVP areas, you dont just walk in and start fighting people at random, Its like some mmorpg's that have instanced dungeons for partys to adventure in.
- Iczer
- Iczer