Warrior Armor & Rune Stacking Questions


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005

Hello peeps,

Couple questions for you full time testers:

Ascalon Armor says Reduces damage from attacks. Does this include magical attacks and ranged projectiles or just melee? What is the % reduced or is it a fixed amount reduction?

Next would the effects of a superior rune of Absorption stack with Ascalon Armor pieces?



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

some magic attacks are not stopped by armor

lightning i think and mesmer DOT attacks and others i cant remember at the moment

Dovi the Monk

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005

Beaches of Kryta, aka Florida

Remnants of Ascalon


[color=black]actually i think air magic only has 25% armor penetration, although DoT's do ignore armor and any other skills that say they do

on the other note im pretty sutre u could miz the effects of a rune and the armor, although u cant stack the effectives of the same runes, so u cant use 3 runes of major marksmanship and hope to get 6 more in the attribute, although u can miss the actual effects of the armor with one rune.[/color]


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

i am not sure if the 25 is correct but you were right on it being a percentage (there may be factors that raise or lower it)

live and learn


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005

Thanks for the responses,

I understand that DOTs bypass armor and the reduction from damage effect. I was asking about ranged magical projectiles (water trident) and bow attacks.

I understand rune stacking restrictions. My question still stands though.

If I use lets say an Ascalon Chest piece with a superior rune of absorption will the effects of the armor and rune stack to provide much better damage reduction?Or am I just wasting an absorption rune?

Thanks again,

Sausaletus Rex

Sausaletus Rex

Death From Above

Join Date: Dec 2004

No one's really sure just how Ascalon armor works. It's near impossible to get during a public event due to the rarity of Pelts and that makes it incredibly difficult to talk about. I wouldn't expect a definitive answer any time soon.

An Absorbtion rune works a lot like Shielding Hands in my experience. It cuts damage from just about anything, I'm just not sure if it's a percentile reduction or if it's a flat -x to all damage. It's not a lot, you're not halving damage, but you do shave a few points off of most things. The effect's similar to Ascalon armor but, again, no one really understands it yet.

I would say, though, that you could stack an Absorbtion rune in Ascalon armor similar to the way you could add a rune to a +att. headgear. That damage reduction of Ascalon is a built-in armor bonus, the rune's something else and even if the effects are similar they shouldn't cancel out. Never tried it that I can tell you about, though.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005

Thanks for all the info guys, really appreciated.

Now get me in the closed beta so I can test some of this!!!(waiting for the March event is killing me already)




Just Plain Fluffy

Join Date: Dec 2004

Berkeley, CA

Idiot Savants

To the best of my knowledge, Ascalon armor is -2 damage per attack, calculated after armor. It does trigger on all weapon hits, regardless of damage type, but I'm unsure if it affects spells or not.

In general it is not as good as Knight's Armor and the like against physical weapons, but the fact that it retains its usefulness against elementalized weapons is why it stands out. If it affects spells, all the better.

Clearly this is nigh-impossible to test given that pelts no longer spawn in game. I'll post better information when it becomes available.
