Pop Up Message when Farming too much
15 minutes ago, outside of augury, i got the same message.
same here. Well if this keeps on hapaning then bye bye gw. I play gw bout 1hour day know and all i do is farming.
super dooper
haha, and guess what, if you keep going, you get ANOTHER ONE! It took me about 40 minutes of killing Salving Cactus outside Heroes to get 5 Spiny Seeds, and I ended up with 2 "go play the damn game" messages.

just disable hints :P
That message looks mighty cool, I haven't seen it ingame though. 
@nic0008, Why would you play the game just to farm anyway? There would be no point except to get money that you're never going to use.

@nic0008, Why would you play the game just to farm anyway? There would be no point except to get money that you're never going to use.

i farm areas like a mother and never get messages.
I first got that message when trying to get Spiny Seeds as well. At that point I was already pretty damn annoyed with having to zone in and out for a chance to two or three Salving Cactii that seem to have an incredibly low droprate for their Seeds, so the message that they were going to drop them even less because I was passively punished for 'botting' was very aggravating.
Hey ArenaNet, if you're going to put in a collector for Spiny Seeds, don't put them on an invisible monster whose numbers don't seem to exceed five on any given map, which are outright HATED by all other monsters often beating you to the punch, with such a miserable droprate that the only sane recourse is to dip in and out of the only outpost that has a few at the start.
Hey ArenaNet, if you're going to put in a collector for Spiny Seeds, don't put them on an invisible monster whose numbers don't seem to exceed five on any given map, which are outright HATED by all other monsters often beating you to the punch, with such a miserable droprate that the only sane recourse is to dip in and out of the only outpost that has a few at the start.
Hmmmm, I think I'm literaly going to start at ascalon one day and farm all the way to augry. see how that works out

you might only get this msg if you instance alot and do the same exact area. rinse and repeat.
havent gotten it, could be just new, but when i farm, i usually clear everything even when i run out of space, before instancing.
meh, it does look good though.
havent gotten it, could be just new, but when i farm, i usually clear everything even when i run out of space, before instancing.
meh, it does look good though.

I received that subtle "Danger we know you are a BOT, you suck, go way!" message for the first time a while ago... right after the update mentioning BOT concerns.
What bugged me was that all I had been doing was trying to perfect my skill bar set-up with new skills and a new series of MOBs.
AND.....NONE of the loot that had dropped to that point was anyting to write home about.
What bugged me was that all I had been doing was trying to perfect my skill bar set-up with new skills and a new series of MOBs.
AND.....NONE of the loot that had dropped to that point was anyting to write home about.
there is a certain area I like to go to alot to, rinse and repeat you know. I'm going to be curious to see if I'll get this message.
it looks like a hint so it might not show if you have hints disabled
Xue Yi Liang
Wow. I never got any of those messages - even though I used to farm like it was going out of style. Glad I turned my hints off from the start.

i got it in Kryta where there are 4 mergoyles right at the zone and i was close to a level and the exp was good.
first message told me the loot was not unlimited
second message said the drops were about through.
got my level and got out of there.
must have cycled a lot of times.
if you get that message farm some place else for a while.
always rotate your crops for best results.

Well, I don't know how anyone gets the bleached shells either - the desert worms drop the things, but you don't fight desert worms often enough in game play to get many. I've gotten 1. Works aren't easy to solo either, and occur in packs of 1 or so. A few spots have two.
Still only have the one, even after farming the stupid worm for a while last night. I'm all for stopping botters, but I have to agree that ANet has made some pretty dumb choices about what drops what how often. I mean, it's what, 200 feet long? And there is one little bleached shell? It should drop half a dozen! Geez.
Still only have the one, even after farming the stupid worm for a while last night. I'm all for stopping botters, but I have to agree that ANet has made some pretty dumb choices about what drops what how often. I mean, it's what, 200 feet long? And there is one little bleached shell? It should drop half a dozen! Geez.
I don't farm around there to aften but have never gotten that message even if I am farming for more than an hour.
Epinephrine: the best bet for bleached shells is Dunes of Despair, you can get them from the Siege Worms there. But yeah, another fine example of a stupid collectible.
Originally Posted by Silmor
Epinephrine: the best bet for bleached shells is Dunes of Despair, you can get them from the Siege Worms there. But yeah, another fine example of a stupid collectible.
Thanks, didn't think of dunes, but there are a few in there. Be hard to solo though.
Puddin Tame
Originally Posted by nic0008
same here. Well if this keeps on hapaning then bye bye gw. I play gw bout 1hour day know and all i do is farming.
You are a sad little man

I can totally imagine that monk saying "well, at least i got chicken..."

Never seen that message before.. i wonder why

55 health?..no way!
Can we send something to ANet that says something along the lines of...
"If you continually nerf the most popular spots in a game, and then nerf it again, players will eventually start to lose interest in the game. You'll get happier players if you just let us play the game."
"If you continually nerf the most popular spots in a game, and then nerf it again, players will eventually start to lose interest in the game. You'll get happier players if you just let us play the game."
Originally Posted by pintpointfive
Can we send something to ANet that says something along the lines of...
"If you continually nerf the most popular spots in a game, and then nerf it again, players will eventually start to lose interest in the game. You'll get happier players if you just let us play the game."
doubt it would work.
"If you continually nerf the most popular spots in a game, and then nerf it again, players will eventually start to lose interest in the game. You'll get happier players if you just let us play the game."

Look at it this way.
They've had this anit-farming code for ages, but at least now they're telling us when it becomes active.
Surely that's better than just nerfing the drops without telling you.
They've had this anit-farming code for ages, but at least now they're telling us when it becomes active.
Surely that's better than just nerfing the drops without telling you.
i cant believe people actually get good drops from farming trolls >.> best i've gotten is a gold raven staff(only good just because it was gold) and a fell blade >.>..
and countless fiery dragons which is kinda ironic
and countless fiery dragons which is kinda ironic
I need my meds
cool messages...i wonder if there's one if you die too much
Originally Posted by pintpointfive
Can we send something to ANet that says something along the lines of...
"If you continually nerf the most popular spots in a game, and then nerf it again, players will eventually start to lose interest in the game. You'll get happier players if you just let us play the game."
Yeah have them have a pop up saying
"You have already Nerfed "insert spot" 3 times now. Doing it again would basicly make the monsters drop nothing and make alot of consumers (money in your pocket) really mad and stop playing and tell their friends how gay GW is (money lost). Are you sure you want to continue?
1. yes
2. yes"
Something along that line
"If you continually nerf the most popular spots in a game, and then nerf it again, players will eventually start to lose interest in the game. You'll get happier players if you just let us play the game."
Yeah have them have a pop up saying
"You have already Nerfed "insert spot" 3 times now. Doing it again would basicly make the monsters drop nothing and make alot of consumers (money in your pocket) really mad and stop playing and tell their friends how gay GW is (money lost). Are you sure you want to continue?
1. yes
2. yes"
Something along that line
Saridley Kronah
Originally Posted by Lozza
55 health?..no way!
He has 55 health because hes using the 55 monk build, makes you pretty much invincible.
Hey dboy could i have a picture of ur hero page to see how much attubitues u have in healing, smiting, and tatics. also what runes do u have on ur armor and what weapon ur using thanks so if u could jsut take screenshots of everything on ur guy and post them or send them to me it would be appreciated
A NERD1989
i never farm like that i just kill the whole map then move on i dont spawn camp farm
Originally Posted by I need my meds
cool messages...i wonder if there's one if you die too much
I don't think so. with my main character i died like 1.700 times (i'm sure some can blast this record ^^) and i waited a message saying : "lol you n00b, just stop playing this or we will nerf the HP you lose when taking damages
but it never happened, i'm not lucky

but it never happened, i'm not lucky

Originally Posted by Kyle
Yeah have them have a pop up saying
"You have already Nerfed "insert spot" 3 times now. Doing it again would basicly make the monsters drop nothing and make alot of consumers (money in your pocket) really mad and stop playing Why would they care if you stopped playing? You already bought the game, therefore they already have your money.
"You have already Nerfed "insert spot" 3 times now. Doing it again would basicly make the monsters drop nothing and make alot of consumers (money in your pocket) really mad and stop playing Why would they care if you stopped playing? You already bought the game, therefore they already have your money.