Wow Come In!!! Golden Items! All For Selle
why u make 2 threats and ur stupid items are not even good!!!!!!
you can get 5 for 5 stonesummit badges @ droknar collector if i'm not mistaking .. which is easy to get if you go obliterate some lowlevel stone summit in Northern Shiverpeaks
Hmmm ... it's the second time that you bump an auction today... the other ones got locked and you continue...
Dino Sonic
are u a lil 7yrs old or sumthing.... u cant make 3 threads or bump urself untill the next day.....Freakin retard...
hey guys take it easy on the flaming.....not cool at all.....they get mad and miss the whole point.
lashdon you can only bump once every FULL 24 hours you have to wait atleast 24 hours before you do a new post on here. you can only have 1 post running at a time not 3,2, or even 5. ok.....a mod is gonna close this.
lashdon you can only bump once every FULL 24 hours you have to wait atleast 24 hours before you do a new post on here. you can only have 1 post running at a time not 3,2, or even 5. ok.....a mod is gonna close this.
Bumpy lock. Please read the rules.