Removing blindness
Kuku Monk
Does a Warrior (w/o Monk secondary) have any chance of removing blindness prematurely? I'm cruising through the Crystal Desert with my W/R and I get blinded every three feet... annoying
I don't think you can prevent blindness... But Mend Condition (or Mend Ailment, whichever one looks more like "Mending") can be used on yourself takes it off quickly and can be spammed. Pair it with Zealot's Fire and you won't have to fight at all.
Kuku Monk
Mend Ailment is a monk skill, correct? Therefore I cannot use it as I am a W/R.
Omega Complex
Correction: The Antidote signet removes Poison, Disease, and blindness
Thats the only ranger skill I can find thats anti-blindness, as for preventing blindness, I would sugguest killing the devo's before they lay them ^.^
Thats the only ranger skill I can find thats anti-blindness, as for preventing blindness, I would sugguest killing the devo's before they lay them ^.^
yes antidote signet cleanse youreself of poison, disease and blindness pretty usefull
Kuku Monk
Oh duh! I should have remembered that! Thanks for the cranial nudge
Omega Complex
No problem, its what we're here for :P *nudge*
Oh sorry - misread that - the phrase "Warrior (w/o monk secondary)" in my head translated into w/mo. Oopsies.
Count Feanor
Does irrisistable blow for hammer users still hit if I'm blind? It says it's unblockable.
Originally Posted by Count Feanor
Does irrisistable blow for hammer users still hit if I'm blind? It says it's unblockable.