Question about black dye
First off lets get one thing straight this isn't for farming
Anyways i wnat to get a few balck dyes for my armor bt i can't seem to figure out where to collect them. Does any1 know which enemies drop black dyes?
Also i hear u can get them in the pre-searing if so please reply telling me too
Anyways i wnat to get a few balck dyes for my armor bt i can't seem to figure out where to collect them. Does any1 know which enemies drop black dyes?
Also i hear u can get them in the pre-searing if so please reply telling me too
It's completely random.
There is no specific area or enemy that drops dyes at a higher percentage than others.
There is no specific area or enemy that drops dyes at a higher percentage than others.
Swampgirl Inez
You can get them anywhere, but they are VERY rare. It's all just luck as to who finds them and where.
Some people have found serveral, some have found none. I've found 2 in the past 3 months; one in pre and one in post.
Some people have found serveral, some have found none. I've found 2 in the past 3 months; one in pre and one in post.
Kuku Monk
"You are more likely to have a bird crap on your head than you are to get a black dye drop."
Draven Nasir
Originally Posted by Kuku Monk
"You are more likely to have a bird crap on your head than you are to get a black dye drop."
True. |
well i've found 3 in past 2 weeks in the catacombs in presearing
Xue Yi Liang
Some ppl have Lvl 20 characters and swear they've never gotten a single Black Dye drop - and I believe them because it's quite possible.
i have 3 level 20 characters and a level 17 , one black dye drop
whats more rare. silver or black
Omega Complex
black then silver but black is the rarest
Originally Posted by Kuku Monk
"You are more likely to have a bird crap on your head than you are to get a black dye drop."
True. |
Sir Skullcrasher
Originally Posted by Xue Yi Liang
Some ppl have Lvl 20 characters and swear they've never gotten a single Black Dye drop - and I believe them because it's quite possible.
SIlver isnt rare at all... I have 33 silver and all are from drops...
I have 4 blacks and have 2 full sets of armor dyed black most were from drops, prob 10 of the blacks were drops.
A lot of the blacks dropped in UW
I have 4 blacks and have 2 full sets of armor dyed black most were from drops, prob 10 of the blacks were drops.
A lot of the blacks dropped in UW
Kuku Monk
Originally Posted by aB-
And what's truely hilarious is this actually HAS happened to me. A bird has crapped on my head before, but I have never found a black dye.
I've got 3 level 20's in the Crystal Desert and a level 13. I have 2 black dyes, one from a drop and one which I bought from a noob for 1 gold. I've got 6 silver drops though.
I've actually found more silver than any other and or seen more silver than any other.........but BLACK....2 found in 3 months and 5 see in 3 months.
Olfin Bedwere
I played the E3 event, the World Week-end Event, and all but 1 of the Pre-Order week ends which means I started 2 days before retail release and I just got my first Black Dye last week.
The God Of Metal
I got my first Black Dye drop about a week ago and I've been playing for almost 4 months now.
Amei Leng
I have 15 blacks and more than 50 silvers, So black is harder to fine.
Also, ONLY for Necro armor, it seems if you mix blue and silver, you get black!!!
Also, ONLY for Necro armor, it seems if you mix blue and silver, you get black!!!
I have had 1 drop in pre-searing catacombs - that's it.
I've got 1 black dye, got it today. It's in storage... but I doubt I'll ever do anything with it. I just think that black dye on armor is gross. But I might find some armor that black looks great on.. or maybe mix it... hehehe
I have like 10-20 of each other dye in storage as well. When I finally get my 1.5/15/FoW armor I'll be able to dye all the pieces.. wheee... then I need to save up to dye the 1.5/15/FoW armor for my other characters... hehehhee
I have like 10-20 of each other dye in storage as well. When I finally get my 1.5/15/FoW armor I'll be able to dye all the pieces.. wheee... then I need to save up to dye the 1.5/15/FoW armor for my other characters... hehehhee
Originally Posted by Kuku Monk
"You are more likely to have a bird crap on your head than you are to get a black dye drop."
True. |
ROFL, I have had this happen also. I have also found about 10 blk dye. I guess I'm due for another bird crap; time to start wearing hats.
Originally Posted by Kuku Monk
"You are more likely to have a bird crap on your head than you are to get a black dye drop."
True. |
Wierd, but a bird crapped black dye onto my head yesterday. Its true I tells ya.
help me plz
black is he rarest
I've found more black than any other.. Pre-Searing when you have to kill the icy elementals to get elemental skills.. just farm that.. I got about 5 blacks and 4 silvers.