Hey all.
Im a R/N level 20 and recently picked up barbed trap. My problem is I can't figure out how to use it effectively. If I use favorable winds, and lure the mobs into the trap, it works pretty good, but a lot of the time they will back off before getting to it, esp using henchies as they tend to attack not giving me the time to draw the mobs to it.
If I use it in the middle of a fight, it seems like most of the time it doesn't trigger at all. I've done a search for this, but can't seem to find exactly how they work. What am I doing wrong?
Thx in advance for any answers.
Question about R/traps
If you use it in the middle of a fight, make sure you're standing right next to an enemy when you place it. It's easily interrupted, so try to do it when no one's attacking you.
Traps are triggered by enemies standing on it, so if you place one at an enemy's feet, it should trigger as soon as you place it.
Traps are triggered by enemies standing on it, so if you place one at an enemy's feet, it should trigger as soon as you place it.
Traps will only take effect if the monster enters their radius which is approx 8-12' from where you plant it. If henchmen keep runnig into the fight, take better contrl of them. Only fire a single shot at the mob, and then backup a bit. The henchmen will usually start to run in, but most times they will come back.
If you plan on trapping in the middle of battle, you should hit lightning reflex/whirling defense first before you lay the trap down, or throw dirt at your attacker.
If you are with henches, use your aggro circle to aggro, instead of your bow. Then the henches will be more likely to follow you back over the trap, rather than attack the guy you used your bow on, thereby wasting the trap.
The "wild" animals (showing as a green dot) like lynxs, bears, lizzards et cetera can also trigger your traps. Very annoying, hehe.
I usually kill those first.
I usually kill those first.
Got it guys. Thx. It just seems like in the middle of a battle the mobs are always just a smidgen outside of the trap. Just have to keep experimenting I guess.
Not using arrows to aggro the mobs seems like a good idea too. Thx for the tip sof. Also never though of throw dirt to keep em around. another good idea.
How do experienced Rangers find groups with trappers, cause if i use a pug, they have no clue and always screw stuff up. I've tried to find other rangers to go out but no one ever answers me.
Again, thx all.
Not using arrows to aggro the mobs seems like a good idea too. Thx for the tip sof. Also never though of throw dirt to keep em around. another good idea.
How do experienced Rangers find groups with trappers, cause if i use a pug, they have no clue and always screw stuff up. I've tried to find other rangers to go out but no one ever answers me.
Again, thx all.
help me plz
traps dont really work with hench.U should try by urself with a real group or Go to UW with a 5 man trper group witch works well
If Fezz had henchies, he wasn't going into UW. And his problem is that real groups don't recognize he's a trapper. Fezz, if you join a PUG, make sure they know you are a trapper and they understand what that means. If they don't, explain. If they can't get past the hack-n-slash routine most PUGs use, just leave. It's also better to say "Trapping Ranger LFG" than just "Ranger LFG".
Thx again guys. I don't know what UW is but I am in the desert now, and have picked up dust trap now as well. I've tried laying both down at once and tried what sof said by using the circle to aggro, and it works pretty well. I've also gotten used to using both in the midst of a battle, but half the time im interuppted so I guess I still have a ways to go, but I'll get it.
Savio is right though. If i use a pug, even if I say to wait and let me lay a couple of traps most of the time the warriors just barge ahead anyway therefore making it a useless tactic and most of my guildies are ahead of me in the game so off doing other things.
I have another question now though. If I go with a lot of trapping (which I love), would it be better if I take some points out of marksmenship and put it into wild survival? My stats now are expertise 12, marksmenship 10, and wild survival at 11 with a sup rune.
Again, thx for any help.
Savio is right though. If i use a pug, even if I say to wait and let me lay a couple of traps most of the time the warriors just barge ahead anyway therefore making it a useless tactic and most of my guildies are ahead of me in the game so off doing other things.
I have another question now though. If I go with a lot of trapping (which I love), would it be better if I take some points out of marksmenship and put it into wild survival? My stats now are expertise 12, marksmenship 10, and wild survival at 11 with a sup rune.
Again, thx for any help.