I have a 3:1 vamp hilt and a 5:1 vamp string. Starting bid is set at 50k each with a buyout of 75k ( Im using the posted price guide found on this site for current prices). Auction will close on 8/21/05 at 6:00 p.m eastern time (firm). I have the right to end the auction on items before that time if an in game offer meets the buy out price. Good luck and thanks for viewing my auction.
1) 3:1 Vamp Hilt (current offers): 50k ria
2) 5:1 Vamp String (current offers): 60k danimal
Edit: IGN is Hysteria
I'm not really looking for ectos as I have fissure armor but I will trade for gems
Max Vamp Hilt and String
Just one Bump
40k on each to start it
50k on each
do u take ectos
do u take ectos
60k for string
ign danimal man
ign danimal man
Auction is over. Ill accept the winning bids. Contact me ingmae at name stated up top or send a pm here if setting up a time is more convenient.