Monk weapons
Anybody know where I can find a max damage monk holy weapon? Possibly from a collector because I heard there is a collector that gives out good monk holy weapons. Also, anybody know where I can find a good monk off hand item from a collector?
The collector outside Port Sledge has a max damage staff, it's divine based instead of smiting but it's similar to the staff in Droknars.
It adds divine bonuses but you can add to it (I put +5 energy on it)...
It adds divine bonuses but you can add to it (I put +5 energy on it)...
Robos Stavanis
I believe you can also get a wand/rod max damage from a collector in Draknors.
Dead Weight
Anyone have any "prot" collectors for wands or staffs? So far it only seems to have prot attriubtes on the randomly dropped objects.
Robos Stavanis
Can't remember one off hand, but there is a collecor outside Bloodstone Fen that sells a Protection focus item.
Unfortunately none of the collector wands or staves have healing or protection mods. I'm hoping this is an oversight that will be fixed in a coming patch.
Count Feanor
What does the collecter take to get one of those staffs in Droknar's?
Robos Stavanis
It is a 1 handed rod and I believe he takes stone summit badges