I just wanna share some thoughts i have about this game. Mainly about monks. As you all know we use energy to heal or protect, yes i play a monk now and i did ascend a while ago.
But this monk business is getting really boring, really boring indeed, why?
Ok i tell you why.
There seems to be some people out there in the game that thinks that monks have all the energy in the world, i call them "rushers" this category of people dont care about energy at all. For those who knows that monks uses energy to heal or protect can stop read now.
But for those that dont know or dont care please continue reading.
At my lower lvls i can make an example, from Surmia, that mission at the end after you opened the gate for Rurik and that other guy, well theres a lot of charrs in 1 of those roads. 1 warrior tried to singlehandedly kill all. What happens? Well he dies ofcourse. And then ofcourse blames it on the monk, that wasnt even close cuz this guy did a kamikaze straight in to the lot of Charrs.
Another example, this time from dragons lair. This necro decided he gonna tank every monster all the way to Glint, he manage pretty good, and you know why? because there is someone there to HEAL him, this guy dies shortly before portal to Glint, and ofcourse blames it on the monk. I had similar experiences in a lot of missions, and im not a bad monk. When i play with guild it works really good.
So next time you decide to tank 20 charrs at lvl 11 or you absolutely have to tank all the monsters all the way to Glint from dragonslair, when you die, just blame it on the monk. Probably makes your life worth living. But i also say equip your brain next time and play safe, listen to monk when he/she says theire low on energy. It may save your life, and it may safe the whole mission
Im done listening to bull, my monkdays are over, cya all on another char.
Wrong forum?
I say blame the monk
Kaylee Ann
Cry more. Use the search button next time. This type of thread has been posted 897457543754327543275757 times.
I wont cry more cuz i just deleted my monk, open your eyes
Not that I don't agree with you 100%, Nickelodeon, but this topic has been beaten to death. Sympathy notwithstanding, I'm closing the thread.