POST ur play TIME
here is my massive play time
ecto bomb
880 hours in the past 3 months!
Alathys Tylderaan
That was two weeks ago or something like that. i'm around 1,200 now. really, really need a life.
how do you actually get that to coem up?
You can obtain these stats by typing in /age.
Close to 700 hours here.
Close to 700 hours here.
Geezus. Mine is only around 100 hours over the past three months. o.o
Little Thom's Bro
hmm hard to say, last time i remember anet did a rest with age.
Ya, but they fixed it a while back too.
Age and death... poor guy...
Just hit 1k hours. I need a life too :/
'course a lot of times I just leave it running overnite or something, lol.
'course a lot of times I just leave it running overnite or something, lol.
I'd rather type mine, which I did in a thread that this thread cloned. *yawn*
Chrizz Roxors
I have played for 60-70h since May 25th.. :P
Don't have a pic, but I have 85 hours total since release. I think that's part of the reason people complain so much is that they played the game way to fast/much.
They never fixed it properly after they broke it with one of the updates. I know I had about 150 hours on my main character before they broke it and I only have about 250 now. I know I've played more than that though.
Alathys Tylderaan
you're telling me my playtime is actually somewhere around 1,500 hrs? O.o
Yeah basically the same thing with me. I had like 700 hours on my first two characters. Then came the reset and my actual playing time now is around 800 hours probably. Can't post a screenshot now, will do so later.
ill check my time tomorrow, i take everything reeeaaaallly slow through the game so i dont get too complaicant or bored...
lol hav played only 95 hours over 56 days i suck really.....
oh well now its 555h over past 3 months
oh well now its 555h over past 3 months
chaos dragoon
i dont want to post a screenie but i have 335 over 56 days.
sry im to lazy to post a screenie.
sry im to lazy to post a screenie.