Max Gold Crystaline
Gabrial Strife
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Please do not bump threads within the 24 hour time limit. You may repost 24 hours from the time of close.
Lag Hell
200 ecto is around 2 mil....
there was a 15%dmg in stance sold here for 700k, unless u meant 20 ectos ^^
there was a 15%dmg in stance sold here for 700k, unless u meant 20 ectos ^^
Gabrial Strife
Nah Somone Sold theres for 400 ecto+ 100k on this site with +14% above 50% Health, and now that ecto is so cheap around 9-10k It really isn't as much. Ecto is Easy to get, if U know how to use a Monk as well as the Shopping Spree of Ecto that people did for only 250g, So I wouldn't be to suprised.
Knight of Eternal Darknes
thats a 14% 50> not 14% while stance your not always in stance but most of the time your health is above 50% at the beginning of a fight
Lag Hell
yea, u cant compare a stance mod with a >50 mod, no1 will buy them 4 the same price. >50 mods are way more popular.
M. Jaden
lol even though ecto is worth 10k, 10k x 200 = 2 million, quite overpriced :P
25k to start
IGN = ghazgkull briselame
IGN = ghazgkull briselame
30k :0
<--- IGN
<--- IGN
2 million for that. your craz
I svear who has 2 mills they are a super freak!!! or they buy all the mney on ebay i svear this game is so freaking retarded with their over rated items
Antonio Ferragamo
Originally Posted by Gabrial Strife
+14% in Stance, *Feels it works just as well as +14% Above 50% Health
good try.
Don't bump your own thread, try again.