16 Gold Items Many Swords shields axes and upgrades and bows!!!
Keiyoushi Idaten
I choose when i want to sell it at which price i want to.
I use the Base price on mods in the etc section to help price items.
Bid in incraments of 500 gold.
Starting bids:
1 5k
2 10k
3 5k
4 4k
5 2k
6 2k
7 20k
8 30k
9 25k
10 2k
11 8k
12 50k
13 10k
14 3k
15 1k
16 3k
17 5k
18 5k
19 8k
20 500gold
21 3k
22 5k
current offers:
#14 5k (pearhk)
#21 5k (pearhk)
If u wish to buyout an item let me know here or in game.
My ingame names r:
Keiyoushi Idaten
Illusion Pimp
Bidding will end next friday the 26th or until i say thankyou and Happy Bidding
I'll take the bow grip for 3k.
IGN Consul Interregnum.
IGN Consul Interregnum.
5k on #21
5k on #14
5k on #14
Keiyoushi Idaten
bump come on ppl there r some awesome stuff here!!!
EDIT: sry. withdrawing bid. saw something i didn't notice before.