Unmatched Arena Team
We haven't had the people to GvG lately because of people being busy, so we decided to try to prove that we are the best Arena guild.
51 consecutive wins in Team Arenas, 46 Flawless.
Strangely enough the most popular builds in Team Arenas are KD/AS, Lightning Spike, Smite, IW / Blackout Mesmer, Fragility+Virulence, Ranger, Blackout Spike.
None of these really gave our build trouble.
Edit: We never lost, we quit because it was 5:30 in the morning and we were falling asleep
51 consecutive wins in Team Arenas, 46 Flawless.
Strangely enough the most popular builds in Team Arenas are KD/AS, Lightning Spike, Smite, IW / Blackout Mesmer, Fragility+Virulence, Ranger, Blackout Spike.
None of these really gave our build trouble.
Edit: We never lost, we quit because it was 5:30 in the morning and we were falling asleep
Well done. It's a shame when you put so much time into a streak and at some point it has to end but you still don't get any recognition or reward except for some measly faction.
I found another common build popping up yesterday which i think i may have helped start. (Can't truly verify it as i rarely PvP)
It's a protection build that uses guardian and shield of deflection. Warriors just cannot kill a monk who uses it when maxed out in protection.
Obviously, it's only good against physical attacks so i don't think it will become a real FOTM but still, it's becoming common as a suppliment build.
I found another common build popping up yesterday which i think i may have helped start. (Can't truly verify it as i rarely PvP)
It's a protection build that uses guardian and shield of deflection. Warriors just cannot kill a monk who uses it when maxed out in protection.
Obviously, it's only good against physical attacks so i don't think it will become a real FOTM but still, it's becoming common as a suppliment build.
Originally Posted by Mirhi
We haven't had the people to GvG lately because of people being busy, so we decided to try to prove that we are the best Arena guild.
51 consecutive wins in Team Arenas, 46 Flawless. Strangely enough the most popular builds in Team Arenas are KD/AS, Lightning Spike, Smite, IW / Blackout Mesmer, Fragility+Virulence, Ranger, Blackout Spike. None of these really gave our build trouble. W/Me Mo/N Mo/E N/Me Edit: We never lost, we quit because it was 5:30 in the morning and we were falling asleep |
Originally Posted by Mirhi
so we decided to try to prove that we are the best Arena guild.
uh oh. You know people may be sensitive about that. Congrats on the 51 wins, but I doubt anyone will give you that title until you beat each and every one of them personally

Da Cebuano
Uhh, for those monks I use bleed + poison + gash and savage slash their heals. Although lately I've been running rage instead of the savage, I could bring it but I'd have to sacrifice my res sig.
I find it funny when other warrs try to 1 on 1 me and die even when they get potshots early. I call it Decaying Breeze(oppossite of healing breeze) cause thats exactly what it is. Coupled w/ natures renewal(which I bring) and no healing spells that is an enchant can save them when in range. Still it sucks when you're the only 1 left and all your teammates die cause we only get smiter monks. STill its rewarding to die and have your opponent die saveral seconds later, even if you die, you still bring others w/ you, especially runners, I just do decaying breeze and they just die anyway even when theres no one attacking.
I find it funny when other warrs try to 1 on 1 me and die even when they get potshots early. I call it Decaying Breeze(oppossite of healing breeze) cause thats exactly what it is. Coupled w/ natures renewal(which I bring) and no healing spells that is an enchant can save them when in range. Still it sucks when you're the only 1 left and all your teammates die cause we only get smiter monks. STill its rewarding to die and have your opponent die saveral seconds later, even if you die, you still bring others w/ you, especially runners, I just do decaying breeze and they just die anyway even when theres no one attacking.
well done. quite a nice accomplishment.
Now go beat my old record of 134 consecutive wins with a pug.
Good job on your streak.
Thanks. Actually my guild has put together over 140 wins. Just we've stopped in between because of things like food, work, significant others, sleep.... next time we'll go for 100
Edit: We are BnB, Blind and Bleeding, we aren't very high on the ladder because we're still relatively new (330 or something). But we'll be up there soon.
Edit: We are BnB, Blind and Bleeding, we aren't very high on the ladder because we're still relatively new (330 or something). But we'll be up there soon.
cool, i like the person named "tracey lords" in that pic. awesome.
202 in ASCALON arena.
Originally Posted by NoThanks
Cookie ?
That's very impressive. The guy who posted the video of his team winning two in a row should take note of what a real accomplishment looks like.
The big question is: what are you going to do with your 900 Faction?! Sorta makes the whole Faction thing seem dumb, eh? Win 51 times and get about 900-1200 faction, not even one thing unlocked.
The big question is: what are you going to do with your 900 Faction?! Sorta makes the whole Faction thing seem dumb, eh? Win 51 times and get about 900-1200 faction, not even one thing unlocked.
Originally Posted by MrBiggums
super dooper
nice streak.. gotta love the "Cookie ?" comments, makes you feel fuzzy inside when you say it, eh?
Eet GnomeSmasher
I'd like to see someone face up to a real challenge and see how far they get without any monks in their team build.
Originally Posted by Eet GnomeSmasher
I'd like to see someone face up to a real challenge and see how far they get without any monks in their team build.
Builds without monks lack longevity, if the other team has a good monk build the game is pretty much over.
Originally Posted by 00039
I smell forge armor
Bartoch: Droknar's Forge (T)
(data pending)
A Belated Betrothal (Crystal Desert)
I'd say it's a distinct possibility, yes.
Hah! and people think N/* are useless :P
Originally Posted by MrBiggums
Highest I've gotten is 40. We never lose, we always just disband. I never try with an organized group. If you want a real challenge, you have to go with a complete group of strangers and compliment each other with what you have haha. Or just be like any other idiot and leave the group if it isn't a cookie cutter build.
Divinitys Creature
Good stuff , you do know there is a 200 club though :P