Vengeful aatxe... weak?



Did I hear 7 heroes?

Join Date: May 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Guild Leader (Not Recruiting)

The group I was with killed one of the terrorwebs and it dropped a glob of ecto. Problem was... well the pict shows, aatxe. So I decided to try tanking the aatxe while another stayed alive to grab the ecto after. While doing so I noticed that vengeful aaxte... don't do a lot of damage if you sit still. For a level 30 monsters... kinda odd.

As a result I was able to tank them for 5 minutes until the ecto was mine. The rightful owner was happy to receive it afterwards.

Oh, and I'm not sure why I crossed out my level.



Black Beast of Aarrrrgghh

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB] // Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

thumbs up for good sportmanship!



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Kingdom of En [KoE]


haha why did you block out your level??? i think it's pretty much a given that you're level 20 (especially since it's not blocked in the party list)



Did I hear 7 heroes?

Join Date: May 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Guild Leader (Not Recruiting)

Originally Posted by strungout
haha why did you block out your level??? i think it's pretty much a given that you're level 20 (especially since it's not blocked in the party list) Yeah I know... I posted it at 6:15am... I haven't sleep in a good 24 hours... think I'm gonna fix that picture up since you can pretty much guess the number of digits in each area.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Chicago, IL

Rebel Rising [rawr]

The reason they don't do much damage is because their primary attack is protector's strike, which does HUGE damage....but only if they're moving.