When you die in the game, is there a penalty?


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

this goes for

pve death


pvp death

Zintinix Shoupthalus

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2005


Originally Posted by vizionblind
this goes for

pve death


pvp death
Yes, there is a penalty. A very very very small one. It takes a couple deaths to recieve it, though. When you die your power and health are reduced, but they are only reduced for that mission. During that mission you can, however, gain all your power and health back by killing monsters.

If I'm not mistaken this goes for PVP also.

~These are just my experiances and the things I've been told. It should be accurate!~

Hope this helps!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2005

Sydney, Australia

Order of the Sanguine Dragon [OSD]


There is no death pealty in pre-seared Ascalon.
In the rest of the game you get a 15% reduction of your health and energy every time you die. This can stack to a maximum of 60%. It wears off over time and disappears instantly when you enter a town.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005

SLC, Utah

A few others, including Sausaletus Rex covered this matter in this thread...


If you don't feel like clicking the link, he said this:

"Death Penalty or DP occurs when you die. You lose 15% of your maximum health and energy each adn every time you die up to a maximum of 60%. For a level 20 character, the maximum level that's roughly 72 health and 3~5 energy lost for each death. This isn't a permanent penalty, though. Death Penatly can be erased by earning what's known as a Morale Boost - which is a percentile increase to your health and energy or the opposite of DP - or simply by earning experience points. As you gain XP your DP will slowly go away, you'll have 15% DP, then 14% DP, then 13% DP, and so on until you're again at your maximum. That's only when you're in a map, though, by zoning or traveling to another map - between Explorables or back to the lobby or town - you'll wipe away all DP (and Morale) that you have.

There's no permanent loss at all. You don't lose items, gold, XP, or anything else when you die. If you're alone or you're the last one in your party then you'll return to the nearest lobby or resurrection shrine (Also, in the Pre-Searing Tutorial, there's no DP gained when you die, either) where you can try again. So when you die in Guild Wars the only thing you lose is progress."
