no jaggies
this is from a beta or two ago
6800GT all settings maxed
check this out
woowee nice..everythings so purty
OOOOOh I can't wait.
I just got a 256mb 6800 on friday!
anyone know the difference between 6800 Ultra, 6800 GT, & 6800 ?
I just got a 256mb 6800 on friday!
anyone know the difference between 6800 Ultra, 6800 GT, & 6800 ?
Disco Impulse
i have the his x800 pro...(atix800 w/ a huge cooling sys built on) and yeah, the game is very pretty when maxed out, although when the servers lag a bit i get kicked running at max graphics so i run a little below, with some high and some medium
the difference has to do with how many pipelines of pixels are unlocked, either 8 12 or 16 probably
the difference has to do with how many pipelines of pixels are unlocked, either 8 12 or 16 probably
gt and ultra r 16 pipelines, the ultra is just clocked faster, and the 6800 has 12 pipelines but u can unlock the other 4
Got a BFG 6800 GT OC AGP I'm happy with it
I am using 256 of ram, pentium 4, andan unsuported GeForce MX 2, and it runs beautifully on Highest settings
Principa Discordia
I just built a computer with an Athlon64 3400+ processor, 2Gb of OCZ Platinum RAM, and a Geforce 6600GT graphics card. The game wont arrive until Monday or Tuesday, but I'm seriously dying to see what it looks like.
ne offense but ive been there millions of times
Principa Discordia
Originally Posted by ironmonkeyx
ne offense but ive been there millions of times
Somehow I don't think he's talking about the location.