I'm sitting here, considering purchasing GuildWars.. However, there are several things that I need answered before I go ahead and purchase it. Now being a huge veteran of MMORPGs, spanning from UO, SWG, DAoC, MxO, EQ2 and most recently, WoW.. I have some questions that bother me about previous MMORPGs, and whilst some MMORPGs did well, others did not. Just to let you know in advance, I'm one of those irritating people who's obsessed with all things aesthetic.
1. Character creation. I know you can't change the structure of the face ala EQ2/SWG, but how many different "faces" are there in the character creation?
2. Clothing/Armour. SWG blew me away with the sheer number of clothing options available, I was able to craft different clothes with different colours, and create unique and wonderful outfits. How does GW compare? Will I expect to see about 100 different armours in game, or is there something akin to 1000?

3. Mounts. Are there any? And further, are they again restricted by level? I *hated* being restricted till level 40 before being allowed a mount. I don't mind if they're bloody expensive, just let us ride them at whatever level!
4. Roleplaying. What stuff do we, as roleplayers get access to? SWG and WoW offered a whole range of fun roleplaying emotes, moods, and features that allowed us to fully extend our roleplaying capabilities.
5. Weapons. Are we restricted to what weapons we use per class? i.e. healers being restricted to using blunts and staffs or something equally as silly?
6. Armour Dyes. I've heard rumours these are in game, is it true?
7. Accessability of the world. This is something I loved in SWG and WoW... The ability to travel wherever I like, without being told "I must be level 35 to go there." I don't mind if the place is populated by creatures that would destroy me if I just as much as looked at them, as long as I can visit and explore.
8. Quests. WoW welcomed us to a world where quests weren't just "Kill x of x", but instead "Go to X, pick up X off the ground, fill up X with X and activate X and then kill X, and then return to X, before filling up X again, and await your X reward." Does GW follow in this vein, or does it simply go "Let's tottle off to an instanced area where the quest is: Kill x of x, oh, and kill BIG X."?
9. International Players. Please, please, please, please tell me that GW is not going to pull a Blizzard and say "Hey. You're in the UK. You can't play on the US servers." Is GW's servers available to all, no matter where in the world you come from?
10. Housing/Towns/Instancing of Homes/et. al. How is this done, if at all? Can we buy homes? Or do we live with our guilds or are we restricted to a crummy instanced apartment?
That's all for my random questions. If you can answer them (You don't have to answer them all, just a couple if you can), I will be deeply, deeply appreciative, and you never just know, you may convince this old MMORPG junkie to go for a new strain of MMORPG drug.

- Kweeky