What your best experience is with W/X type?

Yukito Kunisaki

Yukito Kunisaki

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005

Chicago, IL


I've seen many different types of warrior but managed to generalize them into these 3 "calibers".

I. High - damage Warrior

No self heals, or at least 1 self heal [THAT recovers ENERGY], VERY high synergy for maximum damage output. Contains a snare and speed skill to contain the enemy, offensive tank...

II. Med/Dmg - Disruption Warrior

Energy Recovery skill, half damage skills and half conditions, maybe a disruption skill, contains snare and speed skill, offensive tank

III. Low dmg, HIGH disruption shutdown warrior

Single or multiple energy recovery skills, all low damage but HIGH shutdown/condition/denial skill types. Capable of 'killing' someone in moments by simply making them useless for long stretches of time. [10s. or more...] Needs only speed skill, snare is optional... non-defense OR offensive tank...

Of these 3 warrior calibers, which of you people have you had the most fun and the best results with. [as in which warrior was the most satisfying to kick buttocks with?]

I for one found the blend warrior, half dmg, half conditions, to be my favorite build type. I'm just wondering what you other warriors were doing in the battlefield for fun...

No debates/arguments allowed nor flames since this is ONLY for just stating what you like and what you hate [NOT WHO YOU HATE...] ^_^

Amei Leng

Amei Leng

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Left coast

Sleepless In Cyberspace (SIC)

<--- War/Ranger
This is still my number one girl. I love my Nec/Mes, but she cant touch this one.

second warrior War/Monk, may not last, low power doesnt leave much to work with.

Thinkin' War/Nec for wells only next experiment (love them wells)

Yukito Kunisaki

Yukito Kunisaki

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005

Chicago, IL


War/Mon are NOT low power types. Unless you chose the healing magic route, in which case, that's your problem...

So you're claiming high dmg is best for you? Any others?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


I love my W/Me Hammerer. At a measly level 6, he was breaking 100 damage. Very little can stand in he way for long. Only one heal skill, the Mesmer self-heal, and his most potent Ranged attack combo drains energy as well (Chaos Storm + steal energy).

My other "warrior" is a melee R/W DoT/Status effect kind of thing. It would still be fairly effective as a W/R, but the loss of Expertise would be tragic indeed. With his current skill setup, he can solo the level 21 Sand Drakes up to 2 at a time. Very low damage, but massive Poison and potential Bleeding (Seeking Blade), plus Throw Dirt, makes him extremely effective.

Bo Shalake

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scarborough, UK



My W/E for me is top, lvl 9, hammer, with fire magic, generally mid damage

Yukito Kunisaki

Yukito Kunisaki

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005

Chicago, IL


Seems the upper caliber high dmg builds are what you people like... Not many like the shutdown or shutdown/dmg blends it seems.