I've been using this cuz it gives me ENergy and Health and i haven't found anything better.
I need EN and Health but is there something I should look for as a death/blood necro?
is there something better for ME to use with my Trunch? (N/M)
There is a blood one with the same stats, and I'm sure a death one too. Also that +6 Energy could be found later as +12 instead. I use a +12 one for Blood. The extra energy helps, but when you are running low and don't have any energy regen spells, be sure to switch offhands items to gain that 4th pip back.
Lord Sasuke
were is the blood 1 located at ? the 1 i use is the 1 Astro posted but instead or Protect. its blood.
Just Wondering were u found the blood
Just Wondering were u found the blood
Eripens Vitae
Here's a map with all collectors in the crystal desert, and what they have, there should be at least 2 energy collector's items. 1 of em is the +15 energy/-1 energy regen, +30 health i think.