vestigial areas - what and why ?
you can literally spit across the tidal pool onto the shore but you can't get over there (thanks for not teaching us to swim anet :P)
this area is in a zone called His Majesty's Rest, SW of ToA. # 2 is protected by 4 lvl 18 bone dragons surrounding a lvl 30 bonedragon boss who (to my knowledge) does not have any elites. kneeling, begging, moaning, not even attacking the door produces anything.
any insight or links to threads that were made about either with a subsequent hand slapping would be appreciated.
Yup that second area with the dragons is so annoying that it doesnt have anything. And those dragons are pretty sucky(a lot easier than glint).
Yeah, I remember the first time I found that area, I got so excited as I thought I had found something, but after about and hour of exploring I realised that it was absolutly nothing. Mabey later Anet will do something with that area like link it to the UW or something, who knows.
We'll eventually see.
anyone have any thoughts on the first area?