crazy hundred blades screenshot
The Red Knight
what's crazy about it ? you were attacking a monk, and prolly had a warrior besides that monk, resulting in 4 hits (2 on each target)
The Red Knight
148 damage for 5 energy? =[ and no there was not a warrior near that monk either -_-
Originally Posted by The Red Knight
148 damage for 5 energy? =[ and no there was not a warrior near that monk either -_-
Some conjure stuff, adding light/fire/cold damage to your weapon.
It is conjure frost to be exact. And to be even more exact, he has Conjure Frost and Strength of Honor on him (from one of their monks) making up for some spikedamage. So that being said... it is not 148 damage for 5 energy either.
Alathys Tylderaan
:/ Lemme go take a screen of some REAL Hundred blades damage.
Storm Crow
Originally Posted by Kampfkeks
It is conjure frost to be exact. And to be even more exact, he has Conjure Frost and Strength of Honor on him (from one of their monks) making up for some spikedamage. So that being said... it is not 148 damage for 5 energy either.
not to mention that he also has frenzy on. he probably got lucky and four dmg numbers popped up at once.
Alathys Tylderaan
Originally Posted by Storm Crow
not to mention that he also has frenzy on. he probably got lucky and four dmg numbers popped up at once.
The four numbers are from hundred blades. Conjure Frost does it's damage separate to the basic damage and shows up on a normal attack as two numbers. Hundred blades hits twice on one target, so four numbers show up.
Originally Posted by The Red Knight
148 damage for 5 energy? =[ and no there was not a warrior near that monk either -_-
it's actually more than 5 nrg taking you have strength of honor and conjure frost on you.
if you wanna do some real dmg for 5 nrg, use Symbol of wrath. With 16 in smiting that would give you 165 dmg (33dmg per second for 5 seconds)
if you wanna do some real dmg for 5 nrg, use Symbol of wrath. With 16 in smiting that would give you 165 dmg (33dmg per second for 5 seconds)
Da Cebuano
uh huh, and takes 2secs to cast.. and savage slash coincedentally cost 5energy ^^
The Red Knight
yeah but thats a pve screen I could do the same with cyclone axe at nolani -_-
I'm waiting for the Hammer warrior to post an attack around the 150 mark needing 5 or less energy :P
Da Cebuano
Irresistable blow roxorz the soxorz, although if you're not careful, hammer attacks will drain you rather quickly. Too bad crude swing sucks balls though.
The Red Knight
haha :b Irresistable Is ownage though
Ive done over 160 dmg in a single hit with my hammer warrior without any skill mods. It was on a scarab in the Maguuma Jungle. My max is 217 in one hit XD.
The Red Knight
160 on a buffed hammer warrior in team arena
5577 with one skill in PvE, cant touch this nananana
Originally Posted by derrtyboy69
5577 with one skill in PvE, cant touch this nananana
Wow.....what profession/secondary?