Edit by Billiard. Please read the "Trade thread general guidelines" about bumping. Do not post until a full 24 hours have past since your original post or most recent post. Edit your post instead to add information or answer a question. We do this so that everyone has an equal opportunity on the sell forum.
3 hammers, there they are. Prefer to leave them as-is for now, and if you feel the need to salvage them, I wish to sell them as they are now and let you salvage them out yourself. Said policy can change if an agreement is reached.
Yes, I do know their worth (loved the offer of 8k for the max fortitude one) so, lets not try to be funny.
Eitehr message me in game (Blade Galliant, Blade Lighthand, Blade Nibroc, or Blade Blackhand) or simply email me at [email protected].
AIM name is bladeofexile678 should you wish to contact me there.
WTS 3 fantastic hammers!
Blade Nibroc
Blade Nibroc
this is why you salvage them, but thanks for completely forgetting that.
Originally Posted by Lady Hilton
sorry 2 break ur balls but they suck tbh.. maybe a combination of the +30 and sund 10/10 in a lower req 15<50 one :P
Its amazing how people can be asses to sellers on a regular basis.
Blade Nibroc
I'm too happy to care. got all three of those at the same time. yay for me.
Ok how much 4 all xD
ahh im blind i cant see the hammers