Where's Riverside?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Mario's SuperStars


I've been watching tons of videos on Tengu at Riverside and I have no idea where it is! I skipped the jungle, which is PROBABLy where it is, yet I still have some cities. Around what city is it?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

You skipped the jungle? Why... Paid a runner right? Well guess what you deserve to not know where stuff is... What else do you think you missed?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

You skipped the jungle? Why... Paid a runner right? Well guess what you deserve to not know where stuff is... What else do you think you missed?
You are Boring, Just Shut up and either answer or leave it...
He got rushed so what? his game he can do what ever he wants!!!

needs advise if you know you give or read the Topic and leave stop making stupid comments...

I've been watching tons of videos on Tengu at Riverside and I have no idea where it is! I skipped the jungle, which is PROBABLy where it is, yet I still have some cities. Around what city is it?
This Map Will Help you to find the Area, it is on what you can Jungle


and for reference you can try using the "Search" you find loads of advise on builds for this run...

help me plz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by fog_of_redoubt
You skipped the jungle? Why... Paid a runner right? Well guess what you deserve to not know where stuff is... What else do you think you missed?
Ya dont post if u just want bag on some1

Strange thats what i doin rite now.

but it is in the jungle/kryta